Chapter 5

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Alana texted her friend Grace right when she walked in the door. "Hey Grace, it's Alana. Long story short, Mark Denim has a video game I bought for Sam. He won't give it back unless you agree to go out with him. Please, for me? You can break up with him the second I get my game back!" "Ew! Mark Denim?! I really want to help you, but he's disgusting!" "I know, just until I get the game back, no one has to know, it'll only be like thirty minutes of you two being together!" "I am only doing this for you Alana." "Yes! Thank you so much, Grace! I owe you!" "Yeah, you do!" Alana happily got Mark and showed him the proof. He handed her the video game, but stopped her short. "Wait.... Will she stay with me for at least three hours?" "Yeah" Alana replied, wanting the video game so badly. "Fine" he said as he handed it back to her. Alana ran inside and texted Grace. "As long as you stay with him for three hours, I'll be ok." "Three hours! You said thirty minutes!" "I know, I'm so sorry, he wouldn't give it to me unless you'd stay for three hours." "Ugh, remember Alana, this is only for you." "I know, and I thank you so much!" "Good!" Alana packed the game in her backpack for the second time, and zipped it. Tomorrow morning, she'd be sure to zip it before walking out the door. Alana soon drifted off to sleep. This was just the beginning of a normal stay at her dad's house. It wasn't normal any more.
Alana woke up once again, at her dad's house. There was now only eighteen days until Christmas. Alana grabbed her backpack and checked to see if it was zipped this time. It was closed, so she walked to the bus stop. As the bus pulled up, she climbed on and sat down, immediately checking her backpack to make sure it Had not come unzipped or someone had unzipped it. It was zipped, and the video game was safely inside, still packaged perfectly.
As Alana arrived at OPHS, she exited the bus and immediately made her way to Sam's locker. She pulled out the video game and approached him. "Hi. I'm Alana from your math class." "Yeah, I know who you are." He replied. He knew who she was. Alana didn't think he even knew she existed. "Yeah, um... I was wondering if you wanted to go out and see a movie some time." "That sounds good." He said yes? Alana loved how this was going so far. "Oh! I almost forgot, I wanted to give you this. I heard you saying you wanted it, so I got it for you." " Nice! I've been wanting this! Thanks!" "No problem." "So how about Friday? We can see the third movie in the Huntsman trilogy." " I read all of the books! That sounds awesome!" "Great! So how does the 5:30 PM showing work for you?" "Great!" "So I'll see you Friday!" "Yep, you'll see me Friday!" Alana had just got a date! She couldn't believe such a thing was even possible. Alana's day was better then any day after that.

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