Chapter 1 :)

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Y/N pov

As my parents were driving down with all my stuff in the moving van I couldn't help but look out the window and get excited I mean how couldn't I I'll finally see my grandpa and beast. Of course I wish it was under better circumstances but I still am happy. I'm pretty tired though so I think I'll sleep until we get there.

~Time skip~

As I was waking up I saw that we were finally here. I was walking to get my boxes when I bumped into someone. He was wearing dark blue jeans with his white shirt tucked into them and a baseball jersey that was open on him. "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you are you okay." after I said that he just started... chuckling? "Yeah I'm okay my names Benjamin but everyone just calls me benny" benny said after he said that I replied with "Well nice to meet you benny my name is Y/N but people just call me Y/N/N and I really am sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" "Well nice to meet you too Y/N/N and really it's fine I don't mind I actually came over to introduce myself and help out if I can?" after he said that I realized I had a lot of stuff and did need help so I gladly accepted. But as he saw my house that I'm gonna live in with my grandpa he said "Oh you live here" after he said that I was confused so I replied with "Yeah is that a problem I live here with my grandpa" after I said that he quickly said "Oh it's nothing I just heard some rumors about this place." As soon as he said that I was even more confused but just ignored it and suggested that we just continue unloading and unpacking to which he agreed to. 

~Time skip to after they were done unloading everything and putting it away~

"Hey thanks for helping me with all this by the way I really appreciate it:)" "Yeah of course but I gotta get going now I have to go home." "Okay bye benny I'll see you around" "Of course bye Y/N/N." After he said that I went into my new home said good night to my grandpa and beast. Went into my new room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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