Chapter 3

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Y/N pov

This morning I woke up and decided to see if benny's friends would let me play ball with them. But first I obviously took a shower, did my morning routine, and brushed my teeth. After I got dressed I decided to explore since I haven't really done that yet. As I was on my way to vincent's drug store I failed to see a really pretty girl with I would say dirty blond hair, iconic pink lipstick. As we bumped into each other we both said sorry at the same time which made us start laughing. I said "I'm Y/N but just call me Y/N/N  by the way what's your name?" after she said that she must've realized that she didn't tell me her name so she said "Oh hi Y/N/N my name is wendy peffercorn but you can just call me wends." After she said that she asked if I just moved her so I replied "Oh yeah I just moved here like two days ago" "Wait really Y/N/N?!" "Yeah wends I just moved here so I was exploring the places" after I said that it seemed like she just came up with a great idea and I guess she did because she automatically said "Omg we should totally hang out today I could show you around and get to know each other better" I obviously quickly agreed because who wouldn't she seems nice. And then it seemed like she got another great idea because she quickly gasped out loud then started squealing and said "I could see if you can work with me at the pool it'll be so much funn." As soon as she said that I thought why not it seems like it could be fun, it's also more time with wends, and getting paid for hardly having to do anything other then swimming to save people deal. I was quickly excited and said "Yes that would be like so much fun and we could hang out more" she quickly nodded her head making her dirty blond hair basically having this flowy type of wave. After we decided that we started to hang out all day making my plans of hanging out with benny and the boys fly right out of my mind. We eventually went back to her house to hang out we started listening to music and dancing around. She made us a facemask with some avocado I personally thought it looked weird but she said it really helps with acne so I just shrugged and said "oh what the hell why not." She moved our hair out of the way and started to apply the mask while I was getting ready to do her hair. We saw how late it had gotten and we didn't want this night to end so I called my grandpa from her house phone and he said I could spend the night. Wends quickly grabbed clothes for me to sleep in (although we didn't really sleep for that long) after we both changed into the pajamas we started doing each others hair and nails. 

~Time skip to the next morning~

When we woke up the next morning and saw we still had the facemasks on we quickly laughed and washed it all off. After we washed it off I asked wends for a toothbrush she said of course and handed me one. As soon as we were both done I realized I would have to wear the same clothes as yesterday. Wends saw this and said that I could wear something from her closet and gave me a dress. After we were both done getting dressed she walked with me to the pool that way I could apply for the job. When my interview was done they said I got the job so I was really happy about that. Me and wends quickly celebrated by going to eat ice cream. After we were done with our ice cream wends had to go home and frankly so did I. So we both bid our goodbyes and said we'll hang out soon. As I was walking home I saw just how pretty it was around here I really think I'm gonna like it here. I soon arrived home said hello to my grandpa and beast. I went to take a shower and went to sleep glad I made a new friend today.



I wanted to build up a friendship between the reader and wendy and so I did but other then that hope you enjoyed but now my thumb hurts I'll update tomorrow though :)

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