Chapter 11

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A/N: This is it we're nearing the end of this book I thank everyone that's been on this journey with me and my very VERY inconsistent updating schedule. I've loved writing this book it's been my favorite thing to do even if I haven't really been updating. I have about two more chapters to do then the epilogue and then we're done with this book. But anyway on to the story :)

Y/N pov

It was a couple of days after the guys threw up from chewing tabaco and Bertram asking me on a date. I did my usual things in the morning then called my best friend Wendy. She had answered instantly and we agreed to hang out today. I went over to her house and we started to gossip I told her in exact detail what happened that night and she obviously expressed her disgust when I told her about the boys throwing up at the fair. We continued talking and she told me how squints finally asked her out on a date. I couldn't believe it I was so happy for her I told her "Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you. I was waiting until he did it I was beginning to think that he wouldn't do it. I mean if he didn't do it I would've done it myself." She just started to blush and say "Stop because I would literally say yes if you asked me out." After she said that we started to laugh and I saw one of her dads blazers sitting on the chair so I turned around put it on and used my hair as a fake moustache saying "My beautiful Wendy would you do me the honor of being mine and going on a date with me." In a deep voice. She just laughed harder got up and acted along to it saying "Why my darling Y/N it would be my greatest pleasure to be yours. For there is no one but you for me." At this point we were both laughing even harder and I just made it worse when I said "I know this may seem a bit rash but I just have to ask (Y/N gets down on one knee) will you do me the honor of marrying me?" She then said "Well can I saw something that may also seem rash. Yes I will marry you." As soon as she finished that sentence her mother came in and her mom said "Well I never. I never thought I would see the day that you got married I must get you newlyweds a gift." Her mother then ran out of the room and came back in with ring pops one strawberry which is Wendy's favorite flavor and the other my favorite flavor. She handed them to us and said "Well go on then make it official." We put the rings on each other and all started laughing. 

~Meanwhile with the sandlot boys~

Benny's pov

We all swore off of the big stuff and decided to stick to Bazooka. I was the one to bat first none of us knew where Y/N was but I had a feeling that she was with Wendy so we didn't worry that much. The ball was thrown and as it was flying through the air it exploded all that was caught was the inside of it. Squints then said "Bitchin'" To that I responded with "Nah, it ain't." Squints said that it must be an omen  and I told him "It just means that we can't play no more. I mean it's only 12:00 and I just ruined the whole day for us." Kenny said "No, you didn't. That's the most amazing thing I ever saw." Yeah - Yeah agreed with him so then I asked the group "Anybody got any money?" They all obviously responded with no so then I said "Then it ain't okay, 'cause now we can't play no more." Smalls then spoke up saying that we can so I asked him "What, you got 98 extra cents lying around at home. Smalls?" He just said back "No, but I got a ball." We all looked at him and shouted for him to go get it. As he was gone we all heard Bertram say that he had something big to tell us and that he was going to say it when Smalls was here but that he'll just tell him later. We all asked him what's up to which he said "I did it you guys. I finally asked her out." The boys all looked at him kind of confused I saw all their faces and said with my signature eye roll "Y/N. You guys he asked out Y/N." They all oh'd and then started cheering him on and then something hit me like a brick. I yelled out "Wait! Wait you guys. We won." All of the guys had the look of realization on their faces and the ones who one started to cheer even more. Bertram was obviously confused so we filled him in on the bet. Then we heard Smalls saying that he's back and that he has the ball. He tried giving the ball to me but I told him that since it was his ball he's up to bat. I tossed that ball to Kenny and ran to my spot. Smalls missed the first swing but on the second one he hit it out of the sandlot. We all cheered him on but he silently walked towards the gate then stopped I called out his name then he slowly turned around and said that we had to get that ball back. We all laughed it off and Tommy said "Yeah, good one, Smalls." Then I said "Hey, forget about it man. We'll just get another ball." Smalls then said "No, you don't understand!" while chuckling a bit. I then said "Sure, we do. You feel bad 'cause you belted a homer, and now we can't play no more." That's when Smalls yelled out "No, you don't understand! That wasn't my ball!" We all stayed quite for a second then squints took off his glasses cleaned them off then said "What do you mean that wasn't your ball?" Then Smalls let out "It was my Step-dads. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something. Somebody gave it to him. But we gotta get it back he's gonna kill me." Squints just said "Oh. Listen to me, Smalls. This is a matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?" Smalls said "What? I don't know. Some lady gave it to him. Why?" We all looked at each other and said what? a lady? Smalls then said "Yeah. She even signed her name on it. Some lady named... Ruth. Baby Ruth." As soon as we heard that we all shouted "Babe Ruth?" And all ran to the fence trying to see where it is. We saw the beasts paw grab it and all yelled no while getting off the fence. Kenny told Smalls that the beast got it then Timmy and Tommy said "You're dead as a doornail, Smalls. Smalls you mean to tell me that you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, and you brought it out here and actually played with it?" Smalls responded with "Yeah. Yeah, but I was gonna bring it back." Squints then shouted out "But it was signed by Babe Ruth." Smalls then let out "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You keep telling me that. Who is she?" We all started saying his nicknames and then smalls said "Oh, my god! You mean that's the same guy?" We all said yes then I said " Smalls Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived. I mean people say he was less than a god but more than a man. You know, like Hercules or something. That ball you just aced to the beast is worth... Well, more than your whole life, man." Smalls looked like he was going to puke so we all gave him space when he fell on the floor and started to fan him with our hats. He said that we had to get that ball back so I asked smalls when his old man came back home from work and luckily smalls said that he's gone on business that's out of town so I came up with a plan to get a new ball.

~Back with you and Wendy~

Y/N pov

I was asking Wendy if I should call Bertram after they were done with baseball today to see when we could go on our date she said that I should but first I should call my Grandpa to see if I could spend the night since Wendy wants to help me out with what to wear and everything. So I called my grandpa and he said that it was okay if I spent the night I thanked him and said that I would be home tomorrow he agreed and wished me a goodnight. It was getting late and I was sure that the baseball game for today was done so I called Bertrams house phone and he answered I suggested that we could go on our date tomorrow at 6 so it's not too early and not too late. He agreed and asked if he should come to y house to which I said that I would just go to his since his house is closer to all the food joints and everything. He said that it was fine if I did but he warned me that his mom might like to meet me and that she's kind of a chatterbox. Apparently his mom was listening in on our call and quickly disagreed with her son and then saying hi to me. I just laughed a bit and said "Hello Mrs. Grover - Weeks I'm Y/N." We then said goodnight and ended the call. I told Wendy what just happened on the call and we laughed about it then we did our night routine and went to bed.

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