Chapter 7

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I am literally so sorry I haven't been updating I know I said I would update on Sunday but I completely forgot to actually write and I know that's really no excuse but yeah let's get on with the story

Y/N pov

I woke up today in one of the best moods ever I did my morning routine and picked out the cutest outfit After I got changed I went downstairs and said hi to my grandpa I cooked breakfast for us which was waffles, fruit, eggs, and orange juice after we finished eating I told him "Alright grandpa I better get going now or else I'm gonna be late" he then asked me "Who are you hanging out with today and what time will you be home?" I had told him that I was going to hang out with Wendy for a bit and then check up on the guys since it's been a while since I've hanged out with either of them he just told me have fun. I said bye to grandpa and bye to the beast then went over to wendy's I rung the doorbell and her mom answered with a smile and told me "Oh hello Y/N it's been a while since you've been here how've you been sweetie we've missed you" I told her " Oh it's nice to see you too I've been pretty well and how about yourself" She simply told me that she's fine and that she'll send wendy down right now that way I'm not waiting to long. I saw wendy walking down her stairs in a dress with a light green almost white type of headband on and a dress me and her hug each other and we tell her mom goodbye and that we'll see her later. Me and wendy go walk around the block where we see squints and yeah-yeah walk out of the drugstore with a baseball we just smile at them and continue walking but I could hear yeah-yeah telling squints that he was drooling or something. When me and wendy are walking I tell her "Hey Wends don't we have work today?" She looked at me and it's like realization goes right across her face and she says "Oh my goodness I totally forgot we're gonna be in so much trouble if we don't have them" I just told her " My house is close do you want to borrow one of mine?" she was literally smiling and called me a lifesaver. So we went to my house, got changed and went to work.

Meanwhile with the guys

Benny's pov

Me and the rest of the guys except for bertram (we sent him to find yeah-yeah and squints just because we wanted to place bets as to when Y/N and him were gonna get together) were at the dugout because it was really hot yeah-yeah and squints finally got back with the new ball so we all looked at each other and started to place the bets I bet that they would get together by the end of july the guys who agreed with me were squints, yeah-yeah, and smalls while kenny, ham, timmy and tommy all bet that they would be together by the 4th of july which was literally like 2 days from now (A/N to  be honest idrk the amount of days the pool incident and the night game are apart for so I'm just saying two) we all decided that the losers of the bet have to give each of the winners a card from their baseball collection and the winner gets to choose what it is. After that we saw bertram coming back so we told ham to make it seem like their all complaining about how hot it is which they were doing anyways since everyone decided that it was too hot for us to play ball we all went to the pool.

3rd person pov

The sandlot boys went to the pool and all got in the water except ham saw some ladies tanning by the pool and tried to hit on them he started flexing and blew a kiss to one of them then he started running to the water and as he yelled cannonball his voice cracked he did land in the water but in the process splashed all the girls so they started yelling at him then walked away. Y/N and wendy were hanging out and decided to put on their suntan lotion while they were sitting on the lifeguard tower as they were doing that the sandlot boys were all staring at them and some of them started saying 'they don't know what their doing' they said that twice then benny said "yeah they do they know exactly what their doing " benny then realized that bertram hasn't said anything yet so while the other boys were talking benny looked at him but when he did that he saw that bertams mouth was a bit open and that he was staring at someone so benny followed his line of site and saw him staring at Y/N but when Y/N looked up from putting her suntan lotion on her legs she saw him and did a little wink benny looked back at bertram and saw his ears were red since he was blushing squints started to get out the pool and go to the deep side so one of the boys asked what's he doing another one replied "3 summers of this I think he's finally snapped" then they relized and said yeah but that's the deep end and squints can't swim so they all started to get out of the water yelling squints Y/N and wendy saw this and Y/N dived in and got him out of the water wendy helped get squints and Y/N out of the water and Y/N told wendy to do CPR since she knew of wendy's feelings towards him and his towards her. As wendy was doing CPR the boys were saying 'come on squints' 'come on buddy pull through' and then Y/N heard bertram say "ah man he looks like a dead fish" she lightly slapped his arm hid a small smile when he smiled at her. They looked back at squints and saw him look at them with open eyes and a smile they all said huh and when wendy went to give him more air he held her down and kissed her she pulled away and yelled You little pervert she banned squints from coming back and the guys got their clothes and ran. Y/N and wendy went back up the lifeguard tower and put their whistles back on as they looked over they saw squints and bertram there looking at them so they took off their sunglasses and did a little smile and wave to the boys bertram and squints excitedly waved and smiled back. 

Bertram's pov

When Y/N smiled at me I felt like it was only us there and I realized that I don't just have a puppy dog crush on her it's a big one I just hope she feels the same way. Either way I'm not gonna tell her I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't like me back. 

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