Chapter 5

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l/n = last name

Y/N pov 

This morning I woke up and did my routine but this morning I decided to do something different then going to go to the sandlot I made breakfast for me and my grandpa and decided to spend time with him since I haven't done that in a while. My grandpa made his way into the kitchen and heard me in there cooking after I realized he was there I said goodmorning to him and that breakfast will be done soon. I set the food down on the table we ate in silence but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was nice. After we finished our food and I was done cleaning up he said he had something important to talk about and that I might want to sit for this. 

3rd pov

As Y/N sat down at the table with her grandpa across from her she spoke first " Grandpa what's wrong what do you need to speak to me about?" he simply said "It's about time I told you the truth" since she was greatly confused as to what he meant she asked him "What do you mean it's about time you tell me the truth grandpa" he didn't want her so he spoke softly and said "Sweetie I'm... not your grandpa your real grandpa is as you know him Babe Ruth" he didn't hear her react so he continued "I was best friends with George so when he told me that his child wanted to make me your godparent I of course said yes so I became your godparent but when George passed away he wanted me to care for you as a grandparent and be there for you so I made a promise to him that I would care for you until the day I die." At this point you were already tearing up and was about to cry yet you still listened and asked him "If I'm a Ruth why is my last name l/n why didn't my last name be Ruth" to which he responded with "Your mom thought it would be better for you if they changed your last name but she put it in her will that  if she passed away for you to come live with me and if you wanted to you could change your last name back to Ruth." Y/N thought back to when her dad and mom called her to see how she is she realized they most have told him to tell her that way they didn't have to do it. It kind of upset her thinking that so she decided to stop thinking about it and pay attention to her grand- godfather she simply said "So your my godfather my actual grandfather is Babe Ruth you and him were best friends and my parents didn't want to tell me this themselves got it." At that point she was crying and her godfather wrapped his arms around her in order to provide her some type of comfort he told her "No matter what I will always think of myself as your grandfather but if you need some time I understand." That just made Y/N cry more because she doesn't want him to think she doesn't think of him as her grandfather so she replied "You will always be my grandpa just because I found out I have a different one and that you're my godfather I will always refer to you as my grandpa."

Y/N pov

I appreciate that my grandpa told me the truth. I'm just a bit upset that my parents didn't I wish they told me as well and not just have him tell me. I am gonna call my parents though just to let them know that he told me. I said to me grandpa "I'm going to call my parents okay just so they know that I know." He just said okay so I called them on the house phone and told them that he told me everything and that it's okay I don't blame them for not telling me they simply said sorry that they didn't tell me. I wanted to get off the phone and go to my room so I just told them that I'm going to go I love them and that I'll call them when I can. After the call ended I was kind of drained so I didn't go to the sandlot or meet up with the boys. Which I was kind of okay with because I don't think I could handle all  that.

~Meanwhile with the boys~

Benny pov

The boys and I were waiting for Y/N to show up but when she didn't they were a bit worried but  figured that she wasn't coming so they all decided to just play anyway. I of course played but I was still worried about her she loves baseball she wouldn't casually just forget about it. Today ham did the babe pose so of course we all started laughing kenny ended up saying he was gonna throw his heater and dared ham to hit it. Ham did end up hitting it but it went over the fence and now we couldn't play so we all grabbed our mits and hit him with them I guess while we were doing that scotty thought it was a good idea to climb the fence so we all started running towards him screaming when we all reached him we pulled him down and asked him if he was trying to get himself killed. He was obviously confused so I told him to go over to that fence and look through the hole so he did and when he fell back and asked what was that thing. We all looked at each other and said camp out at the same time. 

~Time skip~

Still benny pov

We all got to the tree house we were just waiting for scotty to get here while we were waiting I was thinking about what might've happened to Y/N I guess bertram had the same idea because he asked me if she was okay and asked where she's been. When he got here he said that he was late because his mom made him wash the dishes or something. The guys made fun of him a bit then scotty went over to where ham was and asked want he was doing they ad this little conversation and then ham said "Your killin' me smalls" he then explained what a smore was. Squints then called for everyone to be quite but no one was listening until he said that the beast went to sleep he started to tell scotty the story that we all know. Scotty didn't believe squints so we all told him to go to the window when he did he automatically looked back at us and said that somethings down there. I told him that that's why we can't go down there after that ham said that some kid went down there but he didn't come back and that the beast ate him. They all went to sleep after that but I couldn't I wanted to know if Y/N was okay. 

Bertram pov

I was wondering where Y/N was all day I knew something was wrong when she didn't show up at the sandlot. The guys said to just play ball I did play but my mind didn't let go of Y/N I just wanted to make sure she was okay. After we were all at the treehouse waiting for scotty I asked benny if she was okay and where she's been since I figured they were really close but he said he didn't know whether she was okay or where she was. That kinda worried me considering that if he didn't know then we would have to wait until she got back which would hopefully be tomorrow. 



I don't know I just wanted to add some type of drama and another thing the reader doesn't actually know "the beast" or anything she's scared of him to she would just yell out hi or bye to  " the beast"

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