Chapter 8

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A/N: The song has no relation to this chapter I just like it also 1.4k!!! I'm literally so grateful and I am so sorry my updating schedule isn't consistent and like months apart I'm 16 now and I'm starting my junior year in high school so like I don't want to have stress put on me or anything and this is kinda like my escape from everything so thank you everyone who reads this and likes it I really appreciate it and let's get started. 

Benny pov

We all got back to the sandlot after getting kicked out of the pool and I noticed bertram and squints have a really big smile on their faces. I asked them why are they smiling and squints said "Wendy waved at me and Y/N waved at bertram too" The guys all looked at bertram who was in his own world the guys looked at me and told me to snap him out of it so I tried clapping in front of his face and that didn't work so I yelled in his ear and that still didn't work so I got a water from the cooler that we have here and splashed him which finally got his attention I said "Dude you really like her huh." Bertram looked at me and just blushed a bit all the guys looked at him and he just nodded and said "yeah I like her a lot she's just perfect." The guys all started cheering for him and patting him on the back then smalls asked "How long did you know you liked her?" yeah yeah then said "Yeah yeah man how long" bertram just looked at all of us and said "I've known I've liked her since she's played ball with us and ever since then my crush on her has grown like a lot but I won't act on it because I'm pretty sure that she likes you benny and I'm okay with that as long as she's happy." As soon as I heard that I was shocked my mouth dropped open and the rest of the guys looked at me yeah yeah said "Yeah yeah I kind of got that vibe too but only because she tells you like everything and she usually only let's you walk her home so." I looked at all of them and asked "Do you all think that?" They all shook their heads yes so I then said "I can promise you all that we think of each other as siblings we only have a sibling relationship she's even told me that I'm like the brother she's never had." Bertram seemed happier after I said that and asked all of us guys "Do you guys think I would have a chance with her I want to ask her out now that I know her and benny aren't together." We all reassured him that she will say yes and that he should go for it. We then saw it was getting late and all went home. 

Bertram pov

When benny told all of us that Y/N and him have a sibling relationship I was so happy because I finally thought that I could get my shot I asked the guys if I should ask her out and they all said I should but I want it to be perfect so I'm going to need to wait a bit longer. We all went to our houses when I walked in I saw that my mom was just putting the food on the table so I said "Hey mom I'm back from being with my friends." She looked at me and said "Hi sweetie go wash up and call your father tell him that dinner's done now." I told her okay I washed up and then went to my fathers office the door was closed so I knocked and when he said open I opened and told him that dinner was done. He said that he'll be right there I said okay and then left I helped my mom with the plates and silverware by the time everything was set up my dad was sat down so me and my mom sat down and as we were eating dinner I asked my mom and dad "Hey mom dad how do ask out a girl the correct way?" as I asked that my mom and dad shared a look and my mom said "AHHH my baby is all grown up now who is she? do we know her? is she nice? pretty? smart? tell. me. everything." My dad just called my mom down while I answered her questions " No mom you don't know her, she's just a girl I really like that I'm friends with, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met, she's beautiful she could put the sun to shame with how bright her smile is and the stars to shame with her shiny e/c colored eyes, and yeah she's really smart." I kinda got distracted while talking about her that I didn't realize my dad and mom smiling at each other then me I was snapped out of it when my dad said "Well son it sounds like she sure is something considering how highly you talk about her I would say wait until you are sure that she likes you back and when you're sure that she likes you back invite her to that fair that's happening get her to the top of the ferris wheel and look at her in the eyes and tell her your feelings." I asked my dad how he knew how to do that and he said "Well that's what I did with amazing mother and look where we are now married with a great son." I thanked them for the advice and we all finished our food I got into bed and closed my eyes when I was dreaming I saw an older Y/N and myself with a son and daughter and golden retriever I smiled in my sleep and continued dreaming.

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