Chapter 6

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Quick authors note~ I am so so sorry I haven't been updating school has been kicking my a** and I gotta re-watch The Sandlot because I don't wanna get anything wrong and I'm helping my mom plan her wedding so writing hasn't really been my top priority but I will be writing more. <3 Now then to the actual story.

Y/N pov

It was the day after I found out the  truth I didn't really feel like dealing with everything so I just went to the sandlot to hopefully get my mind off of it. I went to get dressed and get my ball with my bat. After I got ready I went to the sandlot and started practicing as I was practicing I saw the guys walking towards me so I stopped and waved at them. Bertram was the first one to see me he immediately dropped his glove ran over and engulfed me in a hug the others quickly ran over as well and hugged me. They all let go but Bertram was still hugging me I loved his hug we kept hugging until someone coughed. We pulled apart and when I looked at Bertram his ears were turning red and a small blush started to form. I looked away and started blushing too he's so cute.

Bertram's pov

We were all walking to the sandlot when I see her. She looked beautiful she hasn't noticed us yet but when she did she waved and I couldn't help myself I dropped my glove ran over and gave her a hug I know she was only gone for a day but I missed her. Soon the rest of the guys came running and gave her a hug but even after I felt everyone else let go I held on and she held on to we heard someone cough and automatically pulled apart. I felt my ears and face start to go red when I looked at all the guys they had these kind of smug smiles like they know something that we don't. My main concern was Benny though since he's like an older brother to her I looked at him and all he did was a head nod with a smirk with a little thumbs up. I took a glance at her and I saw that she was kind of blushing too. I look back at the guys and say "come on blockheads lets play already." I turned to y/n and said "I'm glad you're back even though you weren't gone that long." I gave her a smile she smiled back at me and I swear I felt every butterfly in my stomach start flying around. I guess we were smiling at each other for a while because benny literally yelled over "ARE Y'ALL GONNA PLAY BALL OR MAKE GOOGLY EYES AT EACH OTHER" then yeah-yeah pitched in "YEAH YEAH IF Y'ALL WANNA BE ALONE GO RIGHT AHEAD" y/n then looks at all of them and says "shut up lets just play now" she then turned to me and told me "I missed this we should probably go play now" She smiled at me and I smiled back and nodded.

Benny's pov

When we all saw her Bertram was the first one to  run to her they hugged for a while before we all ran to her as well. When we all let go we saw that they were still hugging I coughed and they automatically pulled apart. Me and the guys all had smug smiles when Bertram looked at us He looked directly at me all I did was a head nod with a smirk and thumbs up. I am completely okay with his obvious crush on her I really want them together. Bertram to us all to base up and we did but as we were all walking to our spots we were talking about making bets for when  they get together. We couldn't place any bets right then and there because Bertram and y/n were coming to play now.

~Time skip~

Y/N pov

We stopped playing ball after a couple of hours so as they were all going home so I said I would stay for a bit they all said alright and left. I went inside the house and called Wendy we talked for a couple of hours about boys and about our job. After we talked for a couple of hours we said goodnight and said we'll talk later. I did my night routine, said goodnight to my grandpa and the beast.

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