Chapter 4

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Y/N pov 

As I was waking up I realized that I never did actually check with benny to see if I can hang out with them and play ball. I got up took a shower and did everything I usually do in the morning and got dressed. I went towards grandpa he was looking at all his baseball stuff I realized I haven't spent all that much time actually at home and with him. So I decided that one of these days I will but right now I need to find benny.

~Time skip~

I decided to just wait at the sandlot because they seem like they go there a lot. As I was waiting there I got bored so I started to slightly hum to myself and laying on my back to look at the sky since it was a pretty nice blue. 

Bertram pov

As me and the guys where walking into the sandlot we saw someone just laying there and humming. They were actually pretty good but as we got closer we realized it was Y/N I guess she felt us there or something because she shot up and said hey with that adorable smile of hers. As soon as I saw that I couldn't help but smile. I was just thinking she's perfect but I guess I got lost in my thoughts because I didn't even notice that she got up and wiped off the dirt from her. 

Benny pov

I saw bertram staring at her again I'm totally going to ask him about this later. If he does like her then I'm glad that it's him and not someone like phillips. I swear if phillips ever liked her I would grab my baseball bat so quick and- okay you know what nevermind. 

Y/N pov

The guys were just standing there until I started talking "Hey guys I was wondering if I could play ball with you?" after I said that benny obviously agreed but as we were all going to our spots the one that I know as squints and yeah-yeah started complaining when they thought Iwas out of ear shot. "Come on benny why're letting her play she's a little miss l-7 weenie" I heard squints say that while doing some weird hand sign. "Yeah-yeah why'd you agree to her playing little miss l-7 weenie over there is gonna mess up our game" after yeah-yeah said that it was the last straw for me so I walked over there and said "Oh you really think so yeah-yeah watch I could beat at this game any day don't talk about someone else's skill until you've seen it" after I said that I asked if I could bat first he agreed you see I had a plan since I brought an extra ball for just in case anything happened I decided that I'm gonna bust the guts out of this one. Kenny pitched the ball and it almost passed me but I hit it with all my force and as it was flying the guts came out exactly how I planned it. 

Benny pov

She busted it. I looked at all the other guys' faces and they all looked shocked but bertram was more admiring her so I started smirking at him. I knew that even if she really didn't even try she could make it into the big leagues. 

Bertram pov (I'm sorry for al the pov changes)

I knew she was good but I didn't know she was that good. I'm glad that she was able to prove to yeah-yeah and squints that she's not an l-7 weenie I got so mad when they said that I was about to walk over there myself and hit them with my glove. But anyway I was so proud of her she started laughing after she saw she actually did it. It was adorable I love her laugh I wanna see it more. I realized that benny was smirking at me and immediately looked away from her and turned my head away that way he couldn't see my now I'm guessing blushing face. 

Y/N pov

After I ran all the bases I looked at squints and yeah-yeah I smirked and walked over to them and said "I guess little miss l-7 weenie just busted the guts out the ball." After I said that they apologized and said that they shouldn't have judged so quickly. I just laughed it off and said all is forgiven. We played for the rest of the day and I got closer to all the guys which I think is a good thing. I personally think that benny acts like an overprotective big brother but that's okay I like it considering I'm an only child (If you have siblings ignore that only child thing), as for bertram though he's really funny and nice. He seems like a really good person. After a day at the sandlot we all said our goodbye's and we all left.



I made this during class so yeah I couldn't write more

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