Chapter 9

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A/N I am literally so sorry I can't believe that this has gotten so many reads and I thank you all for sticking around and reading this even with my absolutely terrible writing schedule It's just I'm in 11th grade now and this is stressful but thank you all let me get to writing <3

Y/N pov

After I saw the boys running to the sandlot I looked at wendy and just saw her looking at me with the biggest smirk ever I asked her "Wendy sweetie are you okay you look like you know something that you want to gossip about?" She just looked at me and said "You like him, don't you" I looked at her with my mouth agape, my face got red, and when I tried talking I stuttered a bit but realized that I did so I cleared my throat and told her "I don't know what you're talking about I don't like anybody" she just looked at me and told me that she could tell that I liked him so when our shift ended and we were walking to her house I just came clean and told her "Okay maybe you are right but still nothing will happen between us I am absolutely positive that he doesn't like me like that" I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking I noticed that wendy wasn't next to me anymore so I turned around and saw her standing there with her mouth a bit open she looked at me and just slightly yelled "WHAT girl he literally looks like he doesn't see anyone else when you guys are in the same room how are you that oblivious that you can't see that. God I wish that someone would look at me like that you are so lucky." Then she gasped and told me "I have a GREAT idea you should invite him to the fair as like a date just you and him though none of the sandlot boys" We got to her house after she said that so I just told her that I might but I would have to find the right opportunity or something and that I would see her tomorrow since it's the fourth of July we hugged and I went home.

The next day

Y/N pov

Today is the fourth of July so when I woke up I put on some music did my routine and got dressed. After I did all of that I started cooking breakfast once I did that I brought it up to my grandpas room and woke him up I told him "Hi grandpa it's time to wake up now look I brought you breakfast." He woke up and we did a cheek kiss I said "Happy fourth of July" he replied with "Hi sweetie happy fourth of july you know you didn't have to do this go hang out with your friends." I told him that I'll stay with him and just call them to wish a happy fourth of july he said "it's fine to do that too but if they come to the house to get me to go with them" I just told him okay.  We ended up spending all of the day together except for when Benny knocked on my door and told me that we were having a night game at the sandlot. My grandpa heard him saying that from the living room and told me to go and have fun. I told him that I'll be back later and to make sure that he's safe. He said "Y/N stop worrying about me I'm going to be fine here on my own for a couple of hours." I said okay and then got my stuff and ran to where benny and the guys were me and smalls got there at the same time so the entire group was there. I locked eyes with Bertram and I said happy fourth of july which might've seemed like it was for the entire group but I was only directing it to him he said it back. We started to play the night game and Benny was the first one to hit the ball yet once he hit it the fireworks started so we all looked up at the sky I saw that benny was running the bases so I grabbed the ball since it was next to me and got him out of course only me and him know that because every one else was distracted. We all sat down and just looked up at the fireworks I ended up sitting down in between Bertram and Benny. Me and Bertram looked at each other just as another firework went off and just smiled at each other we looked back up but we moved our hands closer to each other he moved his hand onto mine so i flipped my hand and held his hand with mine I saw his smile get a bit bigger after that.

Benny's pov 

I looked over to Bertram and Y/N and saw them holding hands while looking at the fireworks with some of the biggest smiles I've ever seen. I looked to my other side and whispered to the guys that they were holding hands. They all looked at the two and some of them started saying they won the bet yet someone else said that they aren't together yet so the bet isn't over yet. I don't even care about the bet anymore I just really hope that they get together at some point she's like my sister and I want her to be happy whatever the case may be. 

Bertram's pov

 I finally felt her hand holding mine and her hands are so soft I can't wait for the fair to happen I want to tell her everything that I've been feeling even if she doesn't feel the same way. I heard the guys whispering to each other about something but I don't care it's most likely about me and Y/N I don't even care if the mess with me about this I'm really happy and nothing can mess up this memory.

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