Chapter 14 (as well as epilogue)

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Bertram's pov

After 6 years of dating I've decided to pop the question (keep in mind they were like 14 when they met so now they're like 20 I'm making up numbers atp cause i don't know how old Bertram was) I've finally decided to ask y/n to marry me, I asked benny and smalls to help me out and thankfully they agreed. So today was one of Benny's baseball games and of course me and y/n go like we always do, so the plan was it was gonna be Benny's turn to bat and he was gonna point to where we're sitting, smalls was then gonna have them point the cameras towards us and her favorite song was gonna play, I'd then get down on one knee and ask so fingers crossed that she says yes.

Y/N pov

Me and Bertram have been dating for 6 years and I really want to marry him but I don't want him to feel pressured to ask me so I called my best friend Wendy and asked her for advice to which she said wait one more day and if he doesn't then bring it up in casual conversation. I thanked her for the advice and she said of course but that she had to go because one of her kids just scraped his knee so we said goodbye to each other and hung up. I started to get ready for Benny's baseball game like I always do, I'm so proud of benny he's like the older brother that I never had and I couldn't be more thankful for him. I finished getting ready and now I'm just waiting for Bertram to finish getting ready I swear he takes longer then me, he finally finished getting ready and we were on the way to the stadium. The car ride there was silent with music playing on the radio it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was more comfortable like we were just enjoying each other's presence, we got to the stadium and went to our reserved seats that we always sit in.  Bertram went to go get something to drink but when he came back he didn't have any drink with him so I figured he just drank it on the way back and didn't think much of it. It was finally Bennys turn to bat I immediately stood up and started cheering for him, and I could've sworn I saw him pointing at us when my favorite song started playing and the camera started to show me and Bertram, I immediately looked at Bertram and when I turned to him he was on one knee holding the most beautiful ring towards me I gasped bringing my hands to my mouth while I felt my eyes tear up. Bertram then said "Y/N I've known from the moment that I met you that we would be more then just friends and on our first date I thought to myself that I want you as my wife and I nothing more then to love and cherish you for as long as we both live, so will you do me the honor of allowing me to be your husband?" I was crying at this point when I shook my head and said "Yes! Yes I will marry you!" I immediately kissed him and when he pulled back he slipped the ring on my finger. The entire stadium was cheering for us, I looked towards Benny and showed my hand jumping up out of excitement, he started cheering even louder for us.

The Wedding

Y/N Pov

It was finally Bertram's and I's wedding day and it was absolutely perfect Wendy was my maid of honor and Benny was Bertram's man of honor with the sandlot boys split between being groomsmen and bridesmaids since I didn't really have any other friends except them. We had our wedding at the beach and as I was waiting for my que to start walking down the isle I started getting really nervous, not about the actual marriage but more like what if I trip while I'm walking, so I poked my head out of the curtain a little and when I saw him standing there I knew nothing can go wrong I'm marrying the love of my life and I'm surrounded by my best friends and family everything was perfect. The music started and as I was walking towards Bertram I had the biggest smile on my face

Bertram's pov

Wow. There she is. The most beautiful and caring woman I've ever met and she's walking down the isle getting ready to marry me, how did I ever get so lucky I genuinely can't imagine life without her she's my everything. She's right in front of me and neither of our smiles has left our faces. We said our vows and it's time for us to kiss I look at her then dip her into a kiss slowly pulling her up and away while everyone is cheering we start laughing and walk towards our car with our guests throwing rice. It was the best day of my entire life.

Two years later

Y/N pov

I've been feeling really sick lately so I called Wendy to talk to her and she told me that I might be pregnant, I immediately denied that because we've always used protection but she insisted that I take a test just in case and to ease my nerves so I went to the store bought one then went back home to take it. I waited the amount of time it said to then looked at the stick, it came out positive I called Bertram immediately telling him to come back home, he got home as fast as he could and I told him to sit down at the table that we have something to talk about. He sat down and I grabbed his hand's telling him that I'm pregnant, he immediately stood up and started cheering he looked so excited and that made me feel so much better about this. But then he grabbed his car keys and said that he'll be right back, he immediately drove off and was gone for three or so hours I started to get really worried cause it was already night time by the time he came back home with his arms full of baby stuff, there was a car seat already hooked into his car and seeing that just made me start sobbing out of happiness. He held me telling me how excited he was to have a new addition to our family we started calling everybody we new and told them all the news.

Nine months later

Bertram's pov

We have a beautiful baby girl, she has her mothers eyes I've never been so blessed to have all of this my own perfect family.

Thirteen years later

Y/N piv

Me and Bertram have two kids, one girl and one boy their names are Stella rose Grover weeks, and Benjamin sky Grover weeks, they're the two sweetest kids ever and I find myself thinking about how lucky I have been


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