Chapter 13

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Authors note: This book is coming to an end the next is the last chapter and i just wanna thank everyone who's read or voted on it because i really didn't think that people would like it. I actually started to write this because I couldn't find a story about Bertram so I'm glad that I've found my people and once again thank you so so much everyone. Now onto the story :)

Bertram's pov

Y/N just told us that her grandfather is Mr. Mertle and I couldn't believe it but honestly I don't care I care more about her then any silly little lie so when I saw how she was looking at me expectedly I had to tell her that it was okay and made sure to give her a hug. I could feel her smile and hug me back harder and I realized that I couldn't wait to put this plan into action because I genuinely don't think I could spend another minute with her not being my girlfriend. So a week later when Scotty got ungrounded we all went to the sandlot to our usual spots with Hercules which is the beasts name of course sitting there at the side watching us, I looked at benny and nodded my head basically saying that it's time to do it. I pretended to call out to everyone telling them that I had to split because my mom needed me soon so they all came over and gave me a pat on the back and said okay but y/n gave me a hug and said see you later I shook my head and said bye to everyone and then I left to go get the stuff.

Benny's pov

Bertram just gave me the head nod and said bye to everyone so the plan was now in motion. Scotty played along saying that he has to sit out for this round because he's not feeling too well but that was really so he can play the music that way Bertram can know when to come in. I yelled out to everyone that we should take turns batting so we can cover all the bases and they all agreed. So I said who wants to go first and all the guys just like we planned backed away a little bit and said I'm okay y/n was looking at all the guys shying away and said that she'll go first, we all shook our heads and said alright.

Y/Ns pov

I was up first to bat and I was ready, Kenny pitched the ball and I hit it hard I started running all the bases and with each one they said a singular word it started with "will" then "you" and then "be" the next one was "my" and then at the end was "girlfriend?" I stopped running and looked at all of them, my back turned towards the entrance of the sandlot, and asked them what the heck they were talking about when all of a sudden I heard music playing so I turned my body and there Bertram was walking in holding a poster board and a basket of snacks when I looked closer they were all my favorite snacks, I couldn't believe it. Bertram walked up to me because of course I was just standing there in shock trying to process what's happening right now when he finally reached me, he handed the snacks and the poster to benny who was standing next to us doing that smirk thing he always does. Bertram then grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes and says "y/n will you give me the honor of calling myself your boyfriend and the privilege of saying that you're my girlfriend?" I was smiling so hard, started shaking my head yes and said "yes! Yes I'll be your girlfriend!" The guys all started cheering and Bertram then laughed while he hugged me then he pulled away and gave me a kiss. I could hear the guys cheering even louder then I saw a flash and looked over to see smalls with a camera so I pointed it out to everyone and told smalls to get in then we all took a picture together. It was the best picture I've ever seen we all look so happy together and I really am glad I moved here. I looked at Bertram again and he was already looking at me smiling I smiled back at him and we both started laughing again, I told him thank you for everything and he said that I deserved it. From then on we continued playing ball together until slowly one by one we all started moving away first it was yeah-yeah his parents shipped him off to military school, then it was squints him and Wendy actually got married (I was a bridesmaid of course) they had 9 kids and own Vincent's drug store to this day, next it was Timmy and tommy who started their own company, Ham left next he became a wrestler known as "the great hambino" I actually came up with that name, Kenny was next he actually continued to play ball but he didn't make it to the big leagues so he started his own little league that his kids play on, after him it was me and Bertram we decided to move in together and move during the 60s, then it was benny he made it into the big leagues and me and Bertram have never once missed a game, and then finally smalls was the last one to move he became an announcer for baseball so we always see him as well when we go to Benny's games. Im so proud of everyone and i can't believe that if I didn't move here I wouldn't have known them.

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