Chapter 2

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The next morning

Y/N pov

As I woke up this morning I did my usual routine after my routine I went to take a shower. When I stepped out of that shower it was cold as hell so I wrapped my towel as close as I could to my body and got dressed it looked like it was hot outside so I decided on wearing a t-shirt and shorts instead of jeans. I saw that we lived right next to a sandlot so I was so happy about that. I asked my grandpa if I could go out and play and thank goodness he said yes just as long as I don't hit any of his window or anything. So with that I grabbed my bat, glove, and my ball. I started to turn the corner and saw that nobody was there so I set down my stuff got the hair tie off my wrist and put my hair into a ponytail. I started by throwing my ball at the wall and catching it as it flew back then I went on to hitting it with my bat. I did this for 1 hour took a 5 minute break then continued for longer.

~Time skip to when the boys get there~

3rd person pov

As benny, bertram, scotty, kenny, timmy, tommy, squints, yeah-yeah, and ham were all talking and laughing their way to the sandlot they saw a girl with h/l h/c hair already there playing baseball by herself so they were all confused as to who she was what she was doing there and why was she so good at playing ball. Unknown to the female that she was being watched she  continued playing by herself. After some time she soon felt that she was being watched so turned and looked in all different directions until she saw who was watching her. As soon as she saw them she stopped playing and looked at all of their faces since she recognized benny she walked over to them and they just watched as she walked their way. When benny realized who it was he started walking over to her the rest of the boys soon following. 

Y/N pov 

I felt like I was being watched so I stopped what I was doing and looked around. As I did that I saw a group of boys just standing there I looked harder and saw benny so I started walking towards them I guess benny recognized me and started walking towards me with the rest of the boys soon following him. As we sopped walking I gave benny a hug as he hugged me back when we pulled away I said "Hey benny how've you been and how long were you guys there" he simply responded with "Hey Y/N/N I've been fine and not long we just got here like 15 minutes ago" "Uhm Excuse me benny but who is she" some guy with glasses that was shortish and skinny said "yeah yeah who is she" another guy that was shortish skinny and with a baseball jersey that was open on him said. Benny responded by saying "this is Y/N, Y/N this is squints, yeah-yeah, ham, kenny, timmy and tommy, scotty, and bertram." As he said that they all spit on the ground which was in my opinion nasty. But as he was naming them I followed his eyes to each person and I couldn't help but lock eyes with bertram. He was just handsome I really liked his glasses they fit him nicely. 

Bertram pov 

I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. She had h/l h/c hair beautiful e/c eyes she was just perfect and the way she played ball could put benny to shame. I quickly realized I was staring and looked away not wanting to get noticed by the guys that I was staring and get teased about it. I noticed that she knew benny so my chances were pretty low at getting her to like me. But if she does like him and want him that'll be okay considering we just met and she probably knew him longer. 

Benny pov

I looked at all the guys and when I saw bertram he was staring at Y/N like she was the most perfect thing in the world. Which I couldn't help but smile at. Personally I think they would be good together I know I just met her yesterday but I feel like I should be a overprotective brother to her. I know this is the start of a really good friendship between them and I can't wait for it to be more then that.

Y/N pov 

As I saw it was getting late I decided to say my goodbyes and go home. I walked into the house and saw my grandpa dusting the shelf so I decided on helping him before going into my room. I went to room got out clothes to take a shower after I took my shower and finished getting dressed I brushed my teeth washed my face then went to go lay down. I climbed into bed got snuggled under the covers and went to sleep after a very long day.


A/N sorry this is kinda short but yeah :)

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