Chapter 12

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Y/N pov

I had just woken up when wendy's mom came in the room to get us for breakfast. So we both got up and did our usual morning routines then went to go eat when we had realized the time and saw that i had to go home. I thanked her parents for everything as i usually do when i sleep over or just go over in general, as wends was walking me to the door we remembered last night and started laughing at it until i realized that my date with Bertram was today at 6 i immediately got nervous thinking about what i would wear and where we would go but it was okay since i knew that wends was gonna come over later to help me out. I just said bye to wends and gave her a hug before starting to walk home it was actually really nice out today like it wasn't too hot and i started wondering if Bertram was as nervous as me or if he was playing ball with the boys as usual either way i was just thinking about him.

Bertram's pov

I woke up this morning and was already nervous i mean how could i not be nervous i was going on a date with the most beautiful girl in the entire world today. But before i could do that i had to get help from benny and my dad, i just know it would help me a ton if i got their advice so i called benny and asked if he could come over. My mom was at work so it was just me, my dad, and benny here, we were all sitting down in the living room when i was asking them where should i take her and how i should dress. Benny said "you should take her to that new diner pop's i think it's called, it's a burger joint and they have milkshakes which i know she likes (if you don't like milkshakes just pretend it's a smoothie or a soda you like) so i think she'd like it there." My dad agreed with him saying that he took my mom there for a date night and it's really nice and for me to wear some nice jeans and a button up shirt with dress shoes since it is a date. He also said that i should take money to pay for both of us since i was the one who asked her on the date and that he can give me $20 dollars. I listened to their advice and made sure that i got her flowers as well i picked y/f/f since i know that they're her favorite. Benny then said that he had to split because his dad wants him home to help with the yard so we said bye and i went to go get ready.

Y/N pov

I had gotten home after walking from wendy's house so i opened the door and said hi to my grandpa as well as giving him a hug. I had told him that i'm going on a date with Bertram today at 6 so i have to start getting ready soon and that wends is coming over later to help me pick an outfit he said that it's fine and he told me that he hopes i have fun on my date. He also said that he's going to want to meet Bertram before we start dating so he can talk to him so i just laughed a bit and said that that's perfectly fine with me. I went to my room and called wends so i can let her know that she's able to come over now she said alright and that she's gonna be here in like 10 minutes so i said alright and went to go take a shower. I had just finished my shower and finished putting on normal clothes when wendy got here and i heard my grandpa let her in, she came to my room and started to help me with my outfit. She picked out a pair of bell bottom jeans, a really cute top, and these boots that were to die for (im imagining something like jackie from that 70's show but if you want you can imagine something else) i curled my hair and decided on putting on some light makeup. I grabbed a purse and put some money in it so then i could help pay the bill just in case, and called Bertram so i could let him know that i'm on my way to his house.

Bertram's pov

Y/N just called to let me know that she's on her way to my house, it's only a couple of minutes of a walk so i made sure i looked good and got the flowers ready for her i tied a ribbon that was her favorite color around them so they could all be held together. I heard my doorbell go off and ran to the door looked myself over one more time, smelled my breath and opened the door, and there's she was with the most gorgeous outfit and her gorgeous smile i just felt my ears go red. I smiled at her and said hi she said hi back and i gave her the flowers saying "Here these are for you, i remember you telling me those are your favorite and i just had to pick them for you myself." she smiled even harder and said "Thank you these are so beautiful i love them." I said your welcome and that we should probably start going to the diner she simply nodded her head and said okay. The entire walk there we were just talking and laughing with each other and i can confidently say i've never heard a more beautiful laugh just hearing it made me want to make more jokes so i can keep on hearing it, i never wanted it to end but we got to the diner so i opened the door for her and we walked to a booth i sat on one end with her right across from me, our waitress walked up to us and said "Hello my name is Veronica, and i'll be your waitress for tonight. Here are the menu's, can i get you two started with some drinks?" Y/N said "Hi can i get a y/f/d (your favorite drink)" veronica wrote that down turned to me and said what can i get you so i looked at the menu and asked for a cherry coke she wrote that down and told us that she"ll be right back with those. We nodded and she left we were both looking at the menu and figured out what we wanted so we started talking, y/n told me that she's really happy that i asked her out on a date and then i told her that i've been meaning to ask her out for a while and just finally got the courage to do it, to that she laughed a bit and so did i. We then started talking about the how she met benny yo which she told me that he helped her move in, and then i asked "Why'd you move here i mean don't get me wrong i'm really really happy you did i'm just wondering why here?" She suddenly looked a bit sad and replied with "I had to move here because my mother passed away, i still have my father of course and my stepmom but i just wanted to get away from all that stress and move with my grandpa so i did and i'm really glad that i did because if i didn't then i never would've met you or the guys or wendy." she smiled towards the end of that sentence and i told her that i'm so sorry her mother passed away she just said it was okay and asked me how the guys are doing since it's been a bit of time since she's played ball with us. I told her everything about how smalls played with Babe Ruth's ball and how we lost it. She looked so surprised as i was telling her everything, when veronica suddenly came back with our drink's saying " I'm so sorry for the wait you guys but here are your drinks, do you know what you're going to order or do you need more time?" We said that we're ready to order and believe it or not me and y/n got the same exact thing, veronica nodded her head writing it down and said that she'll be right back for sure this time we just chuckled a bit and said alright. So veronica left our table and we continued talking though this time veronica really did come back quickly with our order so we thanked her and started eating our food. We quickly finished our food and drinks and asked for the check so veronica came back and gave it to us y/n tried to help me pay for it but i said to her "I invited you out to this date so i'm paying for our meals if you would like you can pay for our next date." she smiled and agreed, i finished paying and we started to walk back to her house. We were having such a great time and i didn't want it to end but we were already coming close to her house, she turned her head towards me and said "I really had a great time tonight and i can't wait for our next date, but i really don't want this one to end." I told her that i didn't want it to end either, but then we reached her door and she started to unlock it she turned her body towards me and said goodnight but what i didn't expect was for her to grab my hand and kiss me, i pulled back in shock and she immediately said sorry but i said don't be and pulled her into another kiss.

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