Chapter 10

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A/N I'm so so so sorry I'm currently watching the sandlot and I remembered that I haven't updated since October 15th. And I would like to update and finish this book before Christmas so I promise I'm going to try really hard to do that. And now to the story :)

Y/N pov

It was the next day after the night game and we were playing ball again when Benny got caught in a pickle he was finally able to run past the base and that's when Phillip and his goons came to the sandlot on their bikes. We all dropped our gloves and Benny picked up the bat just in case. We all walked towards them until we met in the middle that's when Phillip decided to open his big fat mouth. He said to Benny mainly " It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects and a fat kid rodrigez." Benny responded with "Shut your mouth Phillips." That's when Ham started talking "What'd you say crap face" "I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball. Except for rodrigez your all an insult to the game." That's when he finally saw me he said " Look you even got a girl playing with you losers. Shouldn't you be at cheerleading doll. No girl should play baseball your all too soft for that." I stood there and said "Yeah well if girls shouldn't be allowed to play baseball then what are you doing here as far as I'm concerned I'm more of a man then you considering I can actually play ball." That's when Ham said "Come on! We'll take you right here, right now!" Phillip then directed his focus back to Ham and told him "We play on a real diamond porter. You ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats." Ham responded with "Watch it, jerk" "Shut up, idiot!" Phillips responded then they went back and forth calling each other names up until Phillips said " You eat dog crap for breakfast, geek." Ham then said "You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!" We all cheered "Yeah!" Phillips responded with "You bob for apples in the toilet and you like it." Ham looked upset at that comment then said "You play ball like a girl!" I just looked at ham and coughed he immediately looked at me and apologized. Phillips did a little scoff and said "What did you say?" Ham responded with "You heard me." Phillips looked angry and said "Tomorrow. NoOn. At our field. Be there, Buffalo butt breath." Ham then said "Count on it. pee drinking carp face!" Everyone cheered "Yeah!" Right before Phillips left though he said "Oh yeah, if we win I get a date with the girl." Ham in the heat of the moment agreed. Meanwhile I heard Bertram start disagreeing automatically but Phillip responded with "That's the condition in order to play us. What do you say dollface yes or no." I then said "Fine I agree, get ready to lose crap face and when we win you know what I want. I want you to go around town saying that you lost to a girl and that your team sucks." Phillip agreed and him and Benny shook hands on those terms. Phillip then yelled to his team "Let's go." They all rode away on their bikes as we all turned around and started to cheer for ham.

The next day

Bertram's pov

I was actually pretty worried that we would lose I really didn't want Y/N going on a date with that jerk. If anyone got the privilege of going on a date with Y/N then it should be me not him. Ham yelled out "Play Ball!" and we started. Every time one of us sandlot boys was up to bat we hit the ball I think we all wanted the satisfaction of beating Phillip's team and none of us wanted Y/N to go out with him especially me. So we all played the best that we could and when it was Y/N's turn to bat I could tell they were really trying to psyche her out thankfully it didn't work. We beat their team by a landslide I ran up to Y/N and picked her off of the ground in a hug while spinning us in a circle (A/N I really hope that makes sense lol) she threw her head back laughing. I had never seen someone look so beautiful and her laugh is amazing. We all went to the fair that night and Benny bought all of our tickets. We cheered him on when he told us it was all on him tonight. We all got our tickets and were about to run off when I remembered something so I said "Aw crap! I almost forgot!" Everyone came back saying what and I told them "Chaw! I was saving it for a good time." Smalls asked "What is it?" So I told him "Big Chief." Took a big sniff and continued "The Best!" Ham then said "Jeez. Smalls. I suppose you don't even know who The Babe is either." Everyone started laughing then Ham continued "It's plug. Wad. Chewing tobacco." I chimed in "'Baccy, man" Smalls then asked "What do you do with it?" Me and Ham looked at him dumbfounded Ham said "You're killing me, Smalls. Chew it of course." Kenny then chimed in saying "Yeah, sure, man. All the pros do it." Yeah-Yeah then said "Yeah, yeah gives you tons of energy." I offered some to Y/N but she said " No thank you, that stuffs gross and besides I should watch out for these guys." I looked at her then said "Well if you won't get some then I won't either I'll help you watch out for these guys." She smiled at me then I smiled back. Everyone else got a piece then they we all got on a ride called trabant it spins us around in a circle fast. everyone sat by themselves but there was only one spot left so me and Y/N sat in the same one which I'm pretty happy about the lights made her look beautiful. The song "Tequila" started playing and we all started cheering, A bit into the ride the guys all started to vomit once the ride ended and we all got off me and Y/N took the gang to sit down at some picnic tables. We got them all water and paper towels so they could clean themselves up a bit then we dropped them all off at home until it was just me and her I've never seen where she lives so we were just walking on the sidewalk and she told me that she had fun. I looked at her and with as much confidence as possible I finally asked " Hey Y/N, would you ever want to I don't know go out to eat with me? It doesn't have to be romantic if you don't want it be." Then I gave her a smile she looked at me started smiling and said "I would love that Bertram. I would love that very much ." I walked her to her house door I didn't really see where her house was since it was dark and my focus was on her only. I told her goodnight and that I hope she sleeps well she said the same and gave me a hug as we were pulling apart from the hug she gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked inside saying goodnight once more as she was closing her front door. I put my hand on my cheek once her door was closed and started smiling even harder I started walking home and I guess when I got home I was still smiling because when I walked inside my mother and father looked at me and asked why I was smiling so hard I just responded with "She kissed my cheek and we're going on a date. I did it. I finally asked her out." My mother started to squeal and then she said "My baby is all grown up now" my dad just pat me on the back and said "Well it's about time son. We could all see how much you like this girl." I told them goodnight then went to my room as I laid down in bed I replayed today over and over in my head until I drifted off into bed.

Meanwhile with Y/N

Y/N pov (This is after you closed the door)

I closed the door with the biggest smile on my face ever I can't believe it he finally asked me out and I kissed him on the cheek. I ran to my room grabbed my phone and called Wendy I just had to tell her. Wendy picked up the phone and I told her everything once I was done she started cheering and saying that it's about time, that she's happy he finally did it, and that she's happy for me we started laughing when I heard her dad say that it was getting late and she needed to go to bed. So we said our goodnights and said that I'll see her tomorrow so we can talk more then. I laid on my back smiling up at my ceiling just replaying him asking me out until I fell asleep.

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