01 • Fuckboy

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Alex's POV

Beeeeeep Beeeeeep Beeeeeeeep

My eyes fluttered open in response to the very annoying noise coming from outside. I looked at my alarm clock and groaned. It was five o' clock. Five o' clock in the damn morning. No one should ever be awake this early on a Saturday morning. But it was too late. I was already up. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who couldn't fall back asleep once they've woken up.

Reluctantly I climbed out of bed, picking a very big wedgie as I got up. I walked over to my window so that I could find the source of the obnoxious beeping that had awoken me. It was still dark outside so when I peered out my window it was nearly impossible to see anything. Thanks to the semi functional street lamps I could I make out the shape of what looked like a moving truck. The truck was slowly inching backwards, playing the irritating beeping sound as it moved.

I wasn't quite sure why there was a moving truck there. I knew that the house across from mine was for sale but I was almost positive that no one had purchased it yet. I guess I was wrong. They must have moved the 'For Sale' sign when I wasn't looking. Those sneaky bastards.

I walked across my room and flicked the lights on. There was no point to sitting in a dark room, seeing as I was now fully awake. There wasn't much to do this early in the morning, so out of lack of anything better to do I grabbed my backpack and pulled out my homework. Not your typical crack-of-dawn-on-a-Saturday-morning kind of activity, but what else was I supposed to do? Besides, it would save me from putting it off until the last second and then scrambling to do all my homework Sunday night.

Two hours later and my AP English and pre-calculus homework sat in a nice pile, fully completed. I smiled to myself; there was no greater feeling then having all your homework finished. But more importantly, I had just killed two hours.

I headed downstairs to see if my mom had made breakfast yet. She was one of those overbearing mothers who insisted on making my siblings and I full meals, even on the weekends. Not that I minded though, in fact it was my favorite thing about her. I could smell the bacon as I walked down the stairs, my heart beating a little faster than before. I loved bacon.

"Good morning, sweetheart," My mom greeted as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning," I gave her a kiss on the cheek, a customary greeting in my family. "The food smells amazing, as usual."

"Thank you," She gushed. "Would you go wake your brother and sister and tell them that breakfast is almost ready?"

I didn't even reply, I just nodded and headed back upstairs. First stop, Candice's room. Candice was my older sister. She attended a nearby university but still insisted on living at home. According to her the dorm rooms were "unsanitary" or something.

"Candice," I shook her shoulder gently. "It's time to get up now, the food's almost ready." Candice groaned and swatted my hand away.

"Go away," She mumbled. "Sleep now. Eat later."

"Come on, Candy," I cooed. Her semi conscious body cringed at the use of her childhood nickname. "If you don't get up I'm going to eat all the bacon." Her eyes shot open immediately.

"Okay, okay," She sat up. "I'm awake."

"That's more like it," I chuckled.

My second stop was my little brother's room. He was fourteen, so it was basically impossible to wake him up. That wasn't going to stop me from trying though.

"JAKE!" I screamed the instant I stepped in his room. "Jaaaaake. It's time to get uuuuuupp," I sing songed.

"Get. Out." He mumbled with his eyes still shut tight.

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