14 • Drugs

838 70 16

Alex's POV

"So when is Calum coming?" Ava asked, taking a bite of cereal she had stolen from my pantry.

"He said he would be here soon," I replied. I looked to Piper, who was sitting quietly on my bed. "Are you sure you don't want something to eat?"

"I'm fine," she smiled, shaking her head.

"Okay," I shrugged. "So what do you guys wanna do? We can just sit in here or we can actually go do something for once." Piper shrugged and raised her eyebrows, clearly having no ideas. Ava on the other hand had a very mischievous grin on her face.

"I know what we can do," she looked like a villain who was ready to unleash the final step of their evil plan. I knew where she was going with this.

"Absolutely not," I stopped her before she could continue. "There is no way."

"Why not?" she whined.

"I think its pretty obvious why not," I scolded her.

"You're no fun," Ava pouted.

"Wait what are we not doing?" Piper asked, confused. Ava looked at me innocently and I gestured for her to explain.

"I want to smoke weed, but buzzkill over here," she gestured to me obnoxiously with her head, "won't let me."

You would think that the girl who's still currently in trouble for smoking would learn her lesson. "Ava you know that your parents would kill you," I reminded her. "And so would I."

Ava threw a flake of her cereal at me. "What kind of teenager doesn't want to smoke at least once in their life?"

Being a normal teenager, I had considered it before. Just to try and see what its like. However, the idea never appealed to me enough for me to actually smoke. "I'm sorry that I'm not interested in not having full control of my thoughts and actions." Piper silently nodded in agreement to me.

Ava let out an airy laugh, apparently amused by what I had said. "Alex darling, let me explain something to you." She set her cereal on my desk and sat upright. "Okay so this is the average line of happiness." she made a line in the air with her finger. "Most people are on this line or right below it. If you live your life and doing basically nothing, you will probably stay at this line forever. However there is a few way you can get above this line." Piper and I looked at each other, equally confused and intrigued.

"Please tell us," Piper urged jokingly.

"Okay so one way is to follow Jesus," she began. "He will bring light to your life and show you the way, blah blah. I'm not religious but people who follow Jesus are usually pretty happy. Another way to get above the line is to enter a relationship. People in healthy relationships tend to be happier than lonely single people. And the third way to get above the line is to do drugs. Drugs make you happy its as simple as that."

"Where exactly are you going with this?" I asked.

"Just be patient, okay," Ava said in an impatient voice. "Are you guys following me so far?"

"More or less," Piper said.

"Please continue," I urged jokingly, though I was genuinely intrigued at this point.

"Okay," Ava took a deep breath. "So let's say you choose to follow Jesus. You will make all the right choices and be enlightened. You will be very happy and way above the average line of happiness." She pointed to a spot way above her imaginary line. "The problem is, this won't last forever. No matter how many right choices you make, you're still human so you're gonna fuck up eventually. And the instant you make a mistake you go plummeting below the line." Her finger soared down and hit her lap. "The guilt and the regret would eat you alive and you'll despise yourself for letting Jesus down. You'll look in the mirror and see nothing but a monster. Which of course causes ultimate unhappiness."

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