16 • Party

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Alex's POV

I turned sideways back and forth in front of the mirror, as if changing my angle would somehow make me like what I saw. Ava and I went shopping last week, and I had bought a brand new black dress thinking that I liked how it looked on me, but standing in front of my mirror now, I was not impressed. The dress hugged my curves, but exposed my porturuding stomach and made me feel extremely self conscious.

"Holy fuck," Ava blurted as she burst into my room. "You look hot, Alex."

"Really?" I asked her, a bit of concern in my voice. "Because I kinda feel like a potato in this thing."

"Shut up, you look amazing," she said casually. "Now hurry up, people are here already."

"Fine," I grumbled, accepting the fact that I wasn't going to get any better looking in the next five minutes anyways. It was a mystery to me why I said yes to this in the first place. I'm not usually one to be pressured into anything, Ava just had a way of bringing out the worst in me. No matter how this party came to be, I hoped it was fun. With the amount of effort it took to convince Candace to leave the house for a night and not tell mom, this party better blow my fucking mind.

We ascended down the staircase and I saw Ava was right, there was already a considerable amount of people here. Jared had taken the liberty of arranging the alcohol nicely on the kitchen table, along with about a thousand plastic red cups. People were scattered all throughout my house, some sitting on the couch, others standing along the walls and tables. "I know there's not a lot of people here yet, but don't worry, more are coming," Ava assured me.

"Oh god."

Two hours later and Ava's prediction had certaintly come true, my house was filled to the max with people, most of whom I had never met in my life. Music was blasting and I was finding it difficult to hear myself think, there would undoubtedly be complaints from the neighbors. If the cops showed up, I was going to murder Ava.

A familiar face approached me, his blonde hair bouncing up and down as he swayed to the beat of the song. "Hi Keegan," I heard myself say.

"Alex! This is a killer party!" He took a swig from the drink in his hand.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him.

"Maybeee," Keegan giggled. Just what I needed, a drunk guy flirting with me. "Alex, come dance with me," he whined like a child.

"No thanks," I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.

"Pleasee, Alex?" He slurred. I tried to pull my wrist away but Keegan wouldn't let go, after a few more tugs I just gave in and let him drag me to where the center of the crowd. I swayed my hips to the best of the fast music and Keegan grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. As we danced he felt his way up and down my sides, then he firmly grabbed me and flipped me around so that my butt was now dancing against his crotch.

"You're so fucking beautiful," He whispered in my ear as his hands found their way to my hips. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Thanks?" I wasn't entirely sure how to respond to his compliment, seeing as he was completely wasted.

"Anytime, babe," Keegan's breathe tickled my neck, making me extremely uncomfortable.

Grinding was never something I found to be enjoyable so after half the song had passed, I unclawed his hands from my hips and pulled away. "Where are you going, babe?" I cringed at the word 'babe.'

"I need a drink," I informed him. He pouted but let me leave, something I was extremely grateful for. I was never one for alcohol, so instead I poured myself a glass of grape juice. As I sipped the cold beverage I saw a familiar dark haired figure walk through the front door. "Mali!" She obviously couldn't hear me because of the music, so I waved my arm frantically until I caught her attention.

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