05 • Ava

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Alex's POV

I impatiently strummed my fingers along the steering wheel of my car as I waited for the red light to turn green. Unfortunately, today I hadn't been able to leave the parking lot as early as I usually do, that was no thanks to my dear friend Ava. She somehow convinced her parents to let her hang out with me today, I guess they think I'm a good influence on her or something.

I told her to run straight to my car when the bell rang, but of course she ignored me. I had waited patiently by my car for nearly ten minutes before walking back into school to see her flirting with some guy with purple hair. So now here we were, stuck in obnoxious school zone traffic.

The light was still red so I glanced at Ava, who had her feet up on my dash while she scrolled through her phone.

The sunlight radiated off of her hair and made her eyes sparkle. I had always been jealous of her dark hair which contrasted so nicely with her light blue eyes, in comparison to my light hair and dark brown eyes.

"Who was that boy you were talking to?" I asked, causing her to look up from her phone.

"Oh," She sat up finally, a blush creeping on her cheeks. "That was Jared."

"Jared?" I inquired. "As in Jared, the criminal Jared?"

"That's the one," Ava had a dreamy look in her eyes.

"I thought he had brown hair?"

"He did, but he dyed it purple," She shrugged. "Green."

"He's dying it green?"

"No, the light turned green," she pointed to the traffic light which was indeed now green.

"Oh shit," I muttered as I accelerated the car. I didn't live too far from the school so we arrived at my house in no time at all. We walked into my house and were immediately greeted by my mother.

"Hi sweetie, how was- Ava?" She looked confused. I guess I had forgotten to tell her Ava was coming over.

"Hey Ms. Watts," Ava grinned.

"By the way mom, Ava is coming over," I chuckled.

"You don't say," My mom rolled her eyes. "How have you been Ava? You haven't been over in ages!"

"Yeah, I've been a bit.. busy," Ava laughed nervously. "But I've been good."

"We'll be upstairs if you need us," I grabbed Ava's wrist and dragged her behind me up the stairs. Ava shook her backpack off onto the floor then flopped down onto my bed. I assumed my usual spot when she came over, which was the blue beanbag chair I'd gotten for my tenth birthday.

"So what's your boy situation?" Ava flipped over so that she was now lying on her stomach.

"What boy situation?" I scoffed. I had no boys in my life at the moment, which was oddly a really nice thing. Boys are such a hassle anyways.

"How are things with Keegan?" The mention of his name caused me to groan.

"I've told you a million times, I do not like Keegan!"

"Whatever you say," her eyebrows wiggled up and down in a suggestive manner.

The door to my bedroom suddenly flew open to reveal my mom standing there, clutching the phone to her chest. "Alex, Calum is on the phone for you."

"Calum?" Ava and I said at the same time.

"Yes, now here, talk to him," She handed me the phone which I accepted and held up to my hear. Mom left as soon as I took the phone from her hands.

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