03 • Long Walks

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Alex's POV

"Psssst," I poked my best friend's arm. "Ava wake up."

"Why?" She groaned.

"Because we are in the middle of class and you're never going to learn anything if you're always sleeping."

"I don't need an education," She mumbled, still refusing to open her eyes. "I'm just gonna be a stripper when I grow up."

"Ava," I rolled my eyes.

"What?" She finally lifted her head. "There's only like fifteen minutes left in the whole day, just let me sleep."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Fine, whatever," Ava finally gave in. "So how was dinner with the three blind mice?" She changed the subject, still determined to not pay attention.

"Well there's only one blind mouse," I said. "But dinner was good." I told Ava about Calum and the rest of the Hood's for the remainder of class, describing to her in perfect detail every thing that happened. When the bell finally rang I bolted out the door. I always liked to leave first before the traffic in the student parking lot became unbearable.

"Hey Alex!" I flipped my head around to see Keegan waving at me.

"Hi Keegan," I didn't even stop I just waved back and kept walking. Keegan said hi to me everyday, probably due to the fact that he'd developed a crush on me this year. Ava told me I should just date him, seeing as he was captain of the soccer team, but I just wasn't feeling it.

I finally reached my car and started the ignition, leaving behind the hell-hole called school.


"Hi Mrs. Hood," I greeted.

"Alex, I told you to just call me Joy," She scolded. "Calum will be down in a moment."


"Thank you so much for doing this," Joy said, her voice much quieter now. "It's always a bit worrying to move your blind son to a new country. I'm glad he's already got one friend."

"I'm ready," Calum entered the room. He was holding Hercules' leash in his hand as usual.

"Okay," I said. "Let's go."

"Have fun you two," Joy opened the door for us and together we walked out.

We walked in silence at first, neither of us quite sure what to say.

"Is it okay if I let Hercules go?" Calum broke the silence. "I want to let him explore."

"Who's gonna guide you then?"

"You will," he simply stated. "Unless you don't want to." He quickly added.

"No, it's totally fine." He reached down and unclipped Hercules leash. Hercules immediately began running ahead, his nose frantically sniffing the scents of a new country. I hooked my arm with Calum's, deciding that was the least awkward way to guide him, and we kept walking. "How do you like it here?" I asked after a painfully awkward silence.

"I've only been here three days, but I like it," He smiled.

"Is it different from Australia?" I was using some questions that my mom had suggested to me before I left, she was obviously worried about my lack of social skills.

"It all looks the same to me."

"Did you- oh my god!" I let out an obnoxious burst of laughter. "I cannot believe you just said that!" My jaw was practically on the floor in disbelief. But then I completely lost it. I couldn't stop myself, I was now laughing hysterically, gripping my sides as I felt my six pack start to develop. He chuckled a bit too.

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