15 • Peer Pressure

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A/N when I was looking for a picture to go with this chapter I googled '5sos peer pressure' just to see what would pop up. And this picture did and for some reason I found it hilarious

Alex's POV

"With everything he had worked for about to crumble away, Hitler panicked," The teacher did her best to entice the students with her words, but it simply wasn't working. "So he went to his underground bunker and-" She made a gun with her fingers and pretended to shoot herself in the head.

I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, not like that was surprising. One of the many flaws of the American education system is that they teach you World War II atleast thirty times before you graduate high school, so no one even needed to listen to what the teacher was saying.

History was my last class before lunch, so I was rather anxious to leave, but there was still a solid twenty minutes before the bell would ring. I tried my very best to pay attention and take notes, but all hope of being a good student diminished when my phone buzzed.

I whipped it out and saw that I had a text from Ava, who sat three rows over from me.

Ava: god this class is boringgggggg

Alex: try actually paying attention for once :P

Ava: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA dont make me laugh >:-)

I decided not to reply, instead I began doodling on the corner of my paper.

Drawing was never my strong suit, but I still enjoyed messing around. Slowly I drew what was supposed to look like a dog, it was a golden retriever like Hercules. Although my skills were questionable, you could still get the general idea of what it was supposed to be. I mused to myself as I drew a pair of sunglasses on him, so that he could match Calum of course. I was admiring my mini masterpiece when my phone buzzed again.

Ava: is your mom still going out of town this weekend????

Alex: yeah why

Ava: is she taking jake with her?

Alex: yeah.......

I knew where this was going. Ava wanted to use my house for something, a party no doubt. But there was no way in hell I was giving her permission to use my house for anything. Where Ava is, a huge mess is sure to follow.

Ava: do you know what that means


Alex: NO

Ava: YES

Alex: NO


Alex: because im a responsible child who respects her mother


Ava: come on >:(

Alex: no

Ava: pleeeeeeaaaassseeeeee

Ava: jared said he could provide the alcohol

Alex: alcohol? HELL NO

Ava had just ruined any chance of me saying yes. I know, I know, I've got a stick up my ass. But throwing parties has never gone well for anyone ever.

Don't get me wrong, I love parties. It's not that I never go to them, I just never host them.

Ava: maybe if you throw a party you'll get some action ;;-)

Alex: shut up

I couldn't help but squirm in my seat at the mention of "action." She didn't know that Calum and I kissed, and I hated lying to her. As far as she knew, I hadn't kissed a guy since I broke up with my boyfriend, Ryan, last year.

Ava: a party will give you a chance to wear that black dress you bought last week!!!!!

Alex: eh there will be other times


Alex: no

Ava: >:-(

"Alex Watts! Are you texting in class young lady?" My head shot up as I clicked my phone off, and everyone was staring at me.

"Uh, no ma'am," I lied.

"Yes you are, give me your phone right now," she walked over to my desk and took my phone right out of my hands. Damnit.

"When can I have it back?"

"This phone is like cocaine for you isn't it? You just can't live without it," She mused. I hated it when adults tried to patronize teenagers by acting as if they're the only ones who rely on technology. "You can come get it when class ends."

"Fine," I grumbled. There was only ten minutes of class left anyways.

The remainder of class consisted of Ava mouthing 'Party! Party!' to me from across the room. I had to give it to her, she was very persistent. Perhaps a party wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Finally the bell rang, and I went straight up to Mrs. Caldwell's desk. "May I please have my phone back now?" I made sure to say 'may' and not 'can,' teachers seem to really like that.

"Yes, but I don't want to see you on it in class again, got it?" She pulled my phone out of her desk drawers and handed it to me.

"Absolutely," I nodded. "It won't happen again."

"Good," she pursed her lips, showing her distaste for me, despite how polite I was being.

"Thank you, Mrs. Caldwell," I said before turning around and pushing through the heavy wood door. Ava was waiting for me when I got out there.

"Took you long enough," she groaned. "I waited for two whole minutes."

"How did you ever survive?" The sarcasm dripped from my words, an intentional thing of course.

"I just don't know," Ava huffed. "But I feel you should buy me lunch because of all that suffering you caused."

"You're crazy if you think I'm buying you anything," I scoffed.

"Aw come on, Lex," she only used that nickname when she wanted something from me.

"There's no way in hell I'm buying you lunch and letting you throw a party at my house," I shook my head.

"What?!" Ava stopped dead in her tracks. "You're gonna throw the party? You're the bestest friend in the whole world!" She jumped up and down while giving me a giant bear hug. I laughed a little.

"Yes I know I am," I hugged her back. "But you missed what I said. I'm not throwing a party, you are. I'm just going to be kind enough to let you use my empty house. Which means I don't have to do any work."

"Okay, okay, deal!" Ava grinned. "God, it's a really good thing you said yes."

"Why?" I asked her, suddenly curious as to what she meant.

"I sort of already told everyone there's a party at your house on Friday?" She laughed nervously, shifting her weight back and forth between each leg as she awaited my reaction.

"Do you mean to tell me you were going to throw the party relentless of what I said?" I felt a twinge of irritation run through my body.

"Yes?" She answered, letting out some forced chuckles.

"Ava," I groaned.

"I know, I know," she sighed.

A/N: ok yeah that totally sucked and im sorry but stuff is about to get good I promise

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