Chapter 51

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I'm not saying there are only a couple chapters of this 2 year long series left...but that is also what i am saying. Enjoy what is left!

"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!" I cursed, wanting to throw my phone out of the window from our apartment. 

It was nearing the end of June, now, and things were starting to return to normal. Well, had been. Past tense. 

Four days ago I found myself coughing a lot more than usual, accompanied by a slight raise in my temperature. I'd been out a few times, to the shops and nothing more, but the sensible thing had been to get a test booked, which I had done immediately. 

What I hadn't been expecting was for the result on the test to come back positive. This meant Harry and Orla going to stay with Simon, Talia and JJ until I tested negative again. We had already agreed this at the beginning of lockdown, that if one of us had tested positive, we would arrange for the others to stay at the alternative place. 

positive :(

Fuck off no way???


Are you feeling ok? Do you need anything? 

i'm alright! just a bit gutted

Wish I could give you a hug bubs :(

yeah me too :( 

make sure you sanitise everything before you go to simon's 

wear a mask in the apartment until you leave just in case 

Already done 

I'll call you as soon as we get there

i know:)

Try not to let it get you down. You're amazing

hahah not feeling too great right now but thank you

We're pretty much set. I'll facetime soon x

love you xx

I threw my phone onto the bed next to me in frustration. I had been so careful all year. I had stayed at home the whole year. I had literally only just started to fucking go outside again! And that was just for important things, like shopping!

I picked my phone back up, wanting to talk to someone properly about this. Searching through my contacts I pressed on Freya, waiting for her to pick up. Now that I knew I was positive it seemed to make all the symptoms I had been experiencing so much worse. Almost tenfold. 

"Sophie! Hello, I was - oh wow, you don't look very well," she observed, setting the camera down.

"That's cause I'm positive," I tell her dryly, putting my thumb up sarcastically. 

"No..." she gasped, her hand clapping against her mouth. "For real?"

"No, I just thought I'd joke around...yes, for real! It's shit!"

"Are you feeling alright? if you need anything -"

"If I need anything, what? You can't exactly come round," I say light heartedly, trying to make the best out of the situation, but knowing there's not much I can really do anyway. 

"I know, I know. I can offer my undying support over the phone, though?" She grins, and even her smile makes me smile too. It's contagious. 

"You better be doing more of those Twitch streams, Miss Nightingale. They keep me very entertained," I say truthfully. I often just put them on my Tv and watch them when I have nothing else to do, or if I'm knitting I have it on in the background."

"I'll do one tonight just for you," she winks, before I notice her getting distracted by something to her left. Josh?

"Is Josh allowed to know?" Freya whispers, making her mic muffled. 

"Josh, I have the rona!" I yell into my phone, making Freya jump back slightly. 

He comes into view now, popping down in the top corner. "Sophie's in the mud!" He jokes, giving me the finger, just before Freya shoves him out of the frame, shortly followed by a loud thump. My mouth falls open, and I look at Freya incredulously. 

"Did you just hit him over?" I ask, not knowing if I'm allowed to laugh. Seconds after, she bursts out laughing, so much so that she lets go of her phone, and I'm faced with her ceiling, just hearing her and Josh's laughter fill the silence in my own room. 

The laughter slowly dies down, and the phone is picked back up by Freya, who's turned slightly red from previous. She flips the camera, showing Josh sat on the floor, rubbing a red looking elbow.

"Oh my god, you actually did knock him over," I laugh, but it's soon overtaken by a coughing episode, now it was my time to put the phone down, reaching over for the glass of water I was keeping  by my bed in an attempt to stop the coughing fit. 

It subsided soon enough, and whilst I tried to play it off, Freya now looked worried. 

"Please don't even start -"

"It wouldn't hurt going -"

"Going where? The hospitals, full of sick people?"

"Fair, you have a point. I'm just worried about you," she tells me quietly. 

Yeah, her and everyone. Myself included. 

"Look, I'd rather I have it now and get over it. I'm healthy, I'm isolating, everyone I love is okay, I'm feeling good. A shitty cough, I feel hot and cold but I can still taste and smell shit! I promise I will let you know if anything changes," I promise her. 

"You promise?" 

"I absolutely pinky promise," I say, whilst also receiving the notification that Harry was trying to Facetime me. "Look, Harry's calling me, I promised him I'd pick up, I'll text you soon?"

"Definitely. Keep me updated. Love you lots," she says, moments before I hang up and accept Harry's call. The screen opens up to Orla's face, before quickly zooming up to Harry's face, where I piece together she's sat bouncing on his knee. 

"Holy crap, I miss you guys already," I say sadly. I'd already been isolating in the flat whilst we waited for the test results, so I hadn't seen them much before anyway, but it seemed so much worse without them in the house. 

"We miss you too," he says softly. He still has his mask on, and I can tell that he's in the spare room. "How're you feeling?"

"The same as I was when you left," I smiled, knowing he was just being caring, but slowly starting to get sick of hearing the same question over and over again. 

"Temperature isn't too bad?" Cough is -"

"Harry," I emphasise, making him stop talking. "I want to Facetime you to talk like a normal couple, not to be interrogated about a stupid virus. I promise I will let you know if anything important changes, okay? I don't want to constantly be reminded about it, it's shit enough as it is," I tell him, not mad, just slightly frustrated. 

"Alright, alright...dropping it. I'm actually just about to shower myself and Orla, so it's a little bit safer, I'll give you a text afterwards?"

"Sounds brilliant. If I don't reply I've probably just fallen asleep, I'm feeling sleepy," I say, timing my yawn perfectly. 

"I can tell," he says, accompanied by an amused smile. "Get some rest. I'm just a phone call away," he smiles, letting me do the honours of hanging up, which I did relatively quickly, otherwise we'd have been stuck in a loop of saying goodbye to each other. It happened nearly every single time. 

With the last bit of energy I currently had, I sought out the old camera sitting on my desktop, switching it on a and centred it on my face. 

"Well then, I have a lot to tell all of you today..."

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