Just Who Do You Think You Are? (Pt. 1)

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Anabelle's P.O.V


I shouldn't be going there! I'm a good student! I have good grades! But yet, here I am! Just because I'm not popular. They might as well give me the frequent customer complementary calendar in Detention!

I arrived at the classroom that had the 'DETENTION' sign on it. I opened the door and to my surprise found Adam sitting at one of the tables making paper airplanes. He saw me come in and smirked, then he threw one of his paper airplanes at me. I grabbed it before it could poke my eye out.

"Mr. Wild, do something more productive with your time! No paper airplanes!" Mrs. Thompson sent him a death glare. He let out a sigh and I went to sit down across from him.

He took a pencil from his backpack and started writing something in his notebook. I ignored him and I took out my Spanish homework out to do. I wish I would've taken French but what did I know in the 7th grade when I started taking my first foreign language? All I was worried about was when was I gonna move and where to?

Oh well! That's life.

Then he slid the notebook casually to me. I looked up to see him and our eyes locked for what felt like eternity before I broked it off and looked back down at the notebook.

"What are you serving time for?" It was almost illegible, his handwriting was the typical boyish-sloppy handwriting.

"Gee, when you put it like that it makes me feel like a criminal!xD And to answer your question, lack of popularity."

I slid the notebook back. He read it and then smirked. I went back to homework and a little after he slipped the notebook casually back.

"Lack of popularity?! I didn't know you could get in trouble for that!xD But no, seriously how did you end up here?"

"Lack of popularity resulting in a hall pass that I lacked."
"Oh, so you didn't have a hall pass. I got stuck here because of Mr.Tricts."
"Oh, Tricts put you here? I call him Mr. Strict. He's only one letter away from his dominant personality trait! What did you do?"
"You know the last History test we took? I got 1 off because I didn't fill the answer bubble all the way! Like what the f*ck?!"

I looked at him confused. That didn't answer my question.

"That's still not explaining how you got here."
"Well, since I was upset about that I told him that I had answered the question right and that it he still marked it wrong. He then replied with, "You didn't fill it in all the way so it's wrong. Rules are rules, Mr.Wild!" so I replied, "Well, that's stupid rule! Can't you make an exception?"
"No." He then looked at me bored. So I grabbed one of his perfectly sharpened pencils on his desk and crushed the tip with his desk and dropped it in his coffee. So that's the stupid story." I chuckled reading it and got shushed, "Is something amusing Miss Peters? Care to share with the class?" Mrs.Thompson asked me in the dead silent room. I quickly shook my head as she raised her eyebrow and went back to whatever a teacher does who is watching Detention.

"I was just thinking, could the name that you have affect your personality?"He slid the notebook back to me after I wrote nothing.

"I don't know, maybe? I mean imagine if some asked your name, "Gioconda." And you were always answered, "Jesus christ! I'm sorry!" That could make you bitter." I slid the notebook back and saw he tried to not laugh.

" 'Gioconda' is a pretty bad name, maybe even Patricia! I get Patrick but Patricia?!xD" So you could say we continued this conversation for a while, making a list of names that we had pity for.

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