Prologue: Tyler Wild

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I was in 7th grade when I realized I was invisible.

Well, actually it was more like I was anonymous.

Its not that I didn't try, its just that I was a real loser.

Of course when it came to sucked. There was another thing working against me. That other thing is, my mom.

She's never had any trouble landing men, its just keeping men that was her problem. I used to keep track of them, but then I found it exhausting, so I just call them all Skip. Now why do I call them all Skip you may ask? Because eventually that's what they all end up doing. Its happen so many times that my mom has developed a very mature reaction. Stuffing her face with chocolate ice cream while sobbing about her terrible luck. After that, we pack up the car and flee to another town.

Maybe being invisible does have it's advantages, because moving all the time, I've never had to deal with the whole 'awkward goodbye' thing.

But enough about me.

This story isn't even about me.

Its about him.

Tyler Wild.

Let's face it

He is the man.

Captain of the basketball team, his family's loaded, he looks somewhere between an abercrombie model and a Greek God.

I remember the first time I spoke to Tyler.

Its not like he blew me away or anything..I mean, I was totally in control.

~~~~Flashback~~Lou's Diner~~~


"Yes! I-I mean no.. I mean, y-you-"

"I'm not quite ready to order. Thanks!" He flashed me one of his perfectly, white and straight teeth smiles before I awkwardly curtseyed and left. Please tell me I did not just curtsey?!

Who was I kidding, a guy like him probably already has a girlfriend.

Madison Winters.

She runs the school's TV station, not to mention the Honors Society, she's also the film club president, and the young over achievers club.

That night I was working in Lou's Dinner's and just when I thought he was ready to order, Penelope Johnson the school's cheerleader captain was making out with him. What happened to Madison?

Since I noticed that they were too busy sucking their faces off, I decided they needed more time to think.

"You know you look really hot in that top." I heard Tyler complement Penelope.

"You know what would be even hotter? You out of it." I rolled my eyes as I walked back to the kitchen.

I came back a few minutes later and Penelope was gone, now the one sitting across from him was Meridith Andrews. She was an endangered species activist and always was the speaker for abused animal awareness meetings and speeches.

"I think we're ready to order." Tyler stopped me before I left. I mean c'mon! I needed time to breath and clear my head! Was it just me or does it seem like he has way too many girlfriends.

"I'm going to have the Majestic burger with the bacon and 3 cheeses and for the side some French fries. This lovely lady is going to have a vegan burger with the potato salad on the side." Tyler ordered for Meridith.

"I love it when you order for me, you always know what I like!" Meridith told Tyler light headed. I wrote down their orders and walked back to the kitchen.

As I was entering the kitchen, one of my coworkers Katie was drooling over Tyler.

"Hey, Katie if you stare any harder you're going to go to jail for harassment!"

"He's Tyler Wild for Pete's sake! How can you not stare?!" Katie defended herself.

"I don't see it. He seems like a total player."

"Oh, he is! He tells you that his dad won't let him date during basketball season, which is all school year, so he tells you to keep it a secret. Then he dumps you when a better offer comes along and tells you that its not him it you-"

"How do you know all that?!" I asked confused.

"Because that was me!" She burst out sobbing dropping the tray and running out of the Diner.

Tyler Wild, everyone! Whoop! Whoop!

***Author's Note

I hope you guys like the story so far! please stick around!!!

I'm a little desperate, just a little... don't get freaked out.

Anyways, I'm trying a new thing of a stupid joke for the chapter.

Its called Stupid Chapter Joke: S.C.J.

S.C.J. :

Q: What's the best thing about living in Switzerland?

A: I don't know, but the flag is a plus!

(If you're from Switzerland, no offense, its just a stupid joke.^.~)

Have a fantastic day!


21Payne ^.^

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