The Popular Bubble

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Anabelle's P.O.V.

On Tuesday, Penelope, Madison, and Meridith came up to me at my locker. I slammed my locker and the most cliche thing happened. Three pretty popular girls suddenly appeared behind my locker door after I had opened it, so when I closed it made me jump out of my skin a little.

"Wow, you guys are like ninjas!-"

"DUDE! We need to have a girl meeting! NOW!" Penelope grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with the rest of the girls. Soon we were in a tight place, it smelled like Clorox and other cleaning supplies, then Madison turned the light on and lo and behold! We were in a Janitors closet.

"Seriously?! You guys couldn't have picked a more cliche place to meet?!" Madison rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

"Will you stop judging! We need to talk about what happened to Penelope!" I let out an annoyed sigh.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Tyler was asking questions." Penelope replied which made me feel kinda nauseous. And the worse part is I don't even know why? Maybe it was the Clorox? And even if it wasn't; It's after all their problem not mine! But for some odd reason I feel like he cheated on me too? Weird, right?

"Wait-wait, what? What did he tell you exactly?" Just when I finished asking the bell in the hallway rung, it was signaling a two minute warning.


My class is in the other side of the freaking school! This better be good or they owe me a hallpass!

"He said I quote 'How's my favorite girl doing today?' Then I replied, 'Great 'how 'bout you-"

"Stop with the intro and cut to the chase! What did he ask you?! I have to get to class!" I interrupted her. I probably should've mentioned before that I get cranky and annoying when I'm late, for anything!

"Well he basically said 'Hey, Pen, before I forget, you forgot your pill bottle in my bag.' So then I didn't know what to say. He just simply smiled and left-"

"Dude! Well there's no doubt about it! He figured it out!" I erupted.

"You're such an idiot! I can't believe you didn't check where you left that bottle!-" Madison commented in a surly tone.

"-Well, sorry! I guess I'm- gee- I don't know?! HUMAN?!" Penelope suggested irrate as they started arguing and their voices raised louder with every insult.


"SHUT UP!!!!!" I screamed over their voices, I looked over at Meridith for help and she was on instagram taking a selfie. #InJanitor'sCloset #B!tchesFighting #TuesdaysTantrum, she hit send and just as it beeped that it recieved a 'like' the door swung open.

"What's going on here?!" It was Vice Principal, Mr. Andrews.

We froze.

Meridith had a bubble of bubblegum that popped in the awkward silence. We continued to stare at each other, "Mr. Andrews, I'm really sorry. I'm gonna be honest with you and tell you I don't have a hallpass.." Madison started and Mr.Andrews raised his hand signaling her to stop.

"It's okay, Madison. I know you're a good student that wouldn't get into trouble, here..," He ripped a piece of paper from the clipboard he always carried and handed her a pass to her next class.

"Thank you so much!" Madison gladly took the pass and left the closet. We all started to get out of the closet when Meridith said, "Mr.Andrews, I totally deserve detention. I don't have an excuse whatsoever, so here..." Meridith closed her eyes and put one hand out.

Mr.Andrews wrote something on his clipboard paper and then signed it and ripped it as he handed it to her. She peeked and saw the note, then her eyes sparkled, "You're giving me a pass?! Why?" She asked exictedly.

"Because you were honest with me! And because you were willing to take responsibility for your actions! Now get going!" She smiled and hurried down the hall.

"Mr. Andrews?-" Penelope started.

"What the heck! I'm sure you didn't do this on purpose! Here you go!" He quickly signed it and ripped it and before I knew it, it was just me and Mr. Andrews. I smiled at him nervously, he lifted his eyebrow at me.

"Do you have a hallpass?" He asked in a more serious tone.

"" I gave him my best puppy-dog pleading eyes.

"See you in detention, Miss Peters." He handed me a detention slip. And then walked away.

The Popular Bubble.



***Author's Note

I know this is a small chapter, but hey! I updated didn't I?! Anyways, A special thank you to @Dana357 for pressuring me, and Eleanor who should seriously get an account on here so that she can recieve updates...but that's off topic! I also wanna thank @Esaxula for helping me with the images for the chapters! Please, if you're an anonymous reader, do me a favor: COME OUT OF HIDING!!! I promise I don't bite. Well, at least not through your screen I can't! xD jk!

What are some unwritten rules you follow at school? (Like rules everyone follows but they aren't technically rules) Is there a popular bubble in your school?

Comment! ;)

Have a great day!


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