Basketball Practice

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Penelope's P.O.V.

Tyler doesn't even know what's coming his way!

I was doing my regular warm up with the girls when the basketball team came in. We have to share the f*cking gym with them.

"5,6,7,8 -" I started the cheer.

 "Hey, Hey you!
Get out of our way,
because today is the day,
we will blow you away" We all blew to our right with our hands, like blowing a kiss.

I would tell you our moves that we did for the cheer but to be honest, I'm kinda lazy so lets just narrow it down to sassy.

Description: SASSY 

 "Clear-view (pause), Let's go
We'll prepare for victory.
We'll put you to the test.
We'll fight for JHS (school initials)
the blue gold and white.
We'll fight with all our might
J-H-S - #1 the best!" The basketball team was just standing there watching our little butts flash them with our short shorts. Idiots.

"Alright! Alright! Show's over!" The basketball coach came in clapping his hands loudly to get their attention.

He signaled the boys to come over, this was my chance!

"Alright, girls let's get stretching!" I ordered as I walked over to the refreshments table. Bags were piled all around the table. I looked around for Tyler's gym bag. It was the only black and red bag.

I quickly grabbed his bag and digged through it. I found his bottle of his "manly stuff" and bent down under the table to grab my bag. I took out my mom's bottle of her "Woman enhancement" thing. I opened the two bottles and dumped out the one of Tyler's. I grabbed my mom's and dumpped it all in his bottle. I looked around as I shoved everything in his bag, and placed his bag where I found it.

"Whatcha' up to, Pen?" I jumped when I felt his warm breath by my ear as he whispered that. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I turned around to face him.


"Oh, nothing- you know you're starting to get soft!" I felt his strong biceps with my hands trying to prove my point.

"Have you been drinking the "Strong" stuff?" I whispered as I questioned him.

"Yeah! I put in everyday the amount prescribed on the bottle!" He whispered back as he shuck his bottle containing the mix of his "manly" stuff.

I would normally feel guilty for doing this, but this b@st*rd needs to pay! He messed with the wrong b*tch!

"Maybe you should increase the doses?" I suggested, then walked away. I left him with a look of doubt on his face!


Hey, my beautiful readers!!!! So, I KNOW! It was kind of a small chapter but, I really didn't have much to say. You kind of get a look inside Penelope's head. She's kinda like: NO MERCY FOR CHEATERS! sorta mode. I mean, yeah it was wrong of Tyler to cheat on three girls but...why am I trying to defend him?! NOO! HE'S A CHEATER! Shameless >.> Anyways, for our S.C.J.:

Q: What's the smartest state in the United States?

A: Alabama! (Because it has four A's and one B) Haha! Yeah I know funneh! xD

Have a spectacular day!



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