End Up Here (Pt. 2)

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I felt like a gazelle that had just been spotted by a ferocious cheetah. I looked behind me, hoping there was someone that Tyler was referring to...but nope.

Just a bowling lane.

I scratched the back of my neck and turned around and awkwardly started walking to the nearest exit.

But then I felt my someone grab my hand and pull me back, "W-whoa! Wait! Where you going?!" Tyler laughed.

He was about half a foot taller than me and I kept my eyes to my hands. If I can avoid his eyes I might have a chance of getting out of this! I have a weakness for guys with blue eyes. Yet sadly today was just not my day, because with his hands he lifted my chin to see him straight in the eyes.

I'm toast.


If you can imagine a cheetah carrying it's dead prey by the neck, home, than you can imagine what I felt like now that I had locked eyes with the devil himself.

"Don't think I can't see you. We have English together, remember? Mr. Ochocinco's class?" He asked as he laced his fingers in my hand.

"Uh.-" But just as I was freaking out in the inside, Andrew and the gang came over to me.

"Oh, there you are Anabelle! Where's Me-" Andrew almost finished his sentence when I cut him off.

"She went home." I quickly replied before he could get the name out.

"I see." He scratched his stubble on his chin. "Well, we're gonna head out, do you need a ride?" He looked at Tyler then over at me, then smirked. OH, HECK NO!

"I'll take her home!" Tyler volunteered before I could agree for Andrew to take me home. He errupted with, "You killed it tonight, Ana! Some bowlin' skills ya got there! See around!" Andrew yelled as he exited with the rest of the hippies. After they left a dread set in my stomach. I gulped as I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"Sooo..wanna show me your 'bowlin' skills' " He mimmicked Andrew's hippy like voice tone. I smiled at him. Great, this is my ride home.

"Well, it's actually getting late and I should get home before my curfew."

"When's your curfew?"

"No later than 10:30." After I said that he took his iPhone out of his back pocket of his jeans and quickly looked at the locked screen. He then looked at me slightly amused.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It's 11:38." My eyes widened when he told me that. He then burst out laughing.

"Well, I guess we should get you home then!" He grabbed my small hand in his and pulled me along.

He had a dark green Jeep Wrangler. It was nice and shiny too.

It looked new.

Yet it lacked doors.

"Umm...where are the doors?"

"Huh?" He looked distracted, and was getting in the driver's side as he started getting his seat belt on.

"Oh, I don't really use them, c'mon get in!" He smiled.

"This seems a bit unsafe," I continued to stare at him as he sighed. "I'm sorry, Tyler...I just want to get home in one piece!"

"No, it's alright. It happens all the time, no problem. I'll just put your door in." I must've looked confuse.

"I'm guessing you don't know much about Jeeps?" He laughed as he got out of it and walked over to the trunk and took out a green door that fit the door less frame of the Jeep perfectly.

Tyler Wild Must DieWhere stories live. Discover now