Not Big Enough For The Two Of Us

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Anabelle's P.O.V.

Jordan Daniels.

"He just introduce himself as Jordan to me, gee! You do t have to be so mean about it." I jiggled my back pack trying to see if hearing the jingle of the keys would help me locate them.

"I'm sorry...anyways I was wondering if you could give me a ride again?" Here I thought he was just being nice, walking me to my see girls...never trust a guy. They always have a hidden agenda!

"How did you plan getting home if I wouldn't have been here?" I heard my keys jingle toward the bottom of my backpack so I dug in there until I started feeling them.

"Tyler. But now that you're here...pretty please?!" He gave me his best puppy eyes.

"The physical appearance of the please is not going to win me over!" I chuckled, "And what's wrong with your brother driving you home?" I pulled the keys out and started unlocking my truck.

"Because he doesn't just drive us home, but a bunch of other girls swooning over him. Let's just say it gets really crowded in that Jeep." He looked off in the opposite direction we were in, probably where Tyler parked his green Jeep.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?! Doesn't she mind?" I asked pretending to be an okay, fine, sometimes being a blonde has it's advantages, because I can easily act dumb and they don't suspect a thing.

"I don't think they know." Adam gulped. He seemed to realize his wording was not the best he should've used.

"They? I thought it was just one." Does he know of Tyler's secrets?!

"Did I say they?" His voice was high pitched as he nervously chuckled, "Whoops! I meant to say she!" He tried opening the passenger side of the door but it was locked.

"Is there something your hiding Wild?" I lifted my eye brow as I opened my door and got in. I pressed a button and the window by the passenger side went down for him to continue speaking.

"Nope! How 'bout we just talk about something else!-" He gave me a weak smile as he tried sticking his hand through the window to unlock the door.

"No, no! You know something! And your not getting a ride until you spill!" I pressed a button making the windows start to go up and if he didn't move his arm, he would get stuck.

"Ugh, why do you even want to know?" Adam added annoyed. "You said he wasn't your type. Did you change your mind?"

"Adam why do you keep thinking I'm interested in all the guys I lay my eyes on?!" Just as I finished the window finished closing.

Adams eyes widened.

"Wait...are you saying...ARE YOU LESBIAN?!"

What?! His voice didn't sound as clear as it did with the window down but I was still able to read his lips and understand what he said.

"What?! No! I'm straight!"

"Oh...because its okay if you are, I won't judge. Its perfectly okay. Some of my best friends are gay and we get along just fine. Don't be afraid to come out-" At this point I knew he was just teasing me, if I could hear him through the window so could he.

"Oh shut up and get in, you dork!" I unlocked the door and he got in.

"Thank you!" He gave me a goofy grin. I tried to give him an annoyed look but he was looking like a little mischievous kid which was really cute, I couldn't help but giggle.

"Admit it, you like me." He gave me a cheeky grin as I started the truck.


"Otherwise why would you give me a ride?"

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