Chapter 8- Did I make it?!

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"Y/N Y/N, WAKE UP!!!!!" Hermione yelled shaking me up.

"Hermione. It's 5 o'clock in the morning. Go. Back. To. Bed." I said, tiredly.


At the word's she said I sprung up from my bed. "WHERE!?"

"Oliver just put it up he's still standing there, In the common room. You should probably get dressed before going down there."

"Please, Mione if he doesn't want this," I say showing off my body in a Messy, but frizzy fan bun, Mickey mouse sweat's and a sport's bra. (I took off his hoodie last night cause it was hot.) "Then I don't want him."

"You're slaying!"

At this point I think Ginny is dead "How hasn't she woke up yet?" I ask Hermione on our way out.

"She's a heavy sleeper." She exclaimed.

"Hold on I'm pretty sure it's warm down there, but to make sure let me get my hoodie."

"So I'm guessing you slept well?" I asked Hermione.

"Yeah. Those bed's hurt my back though."

"Me too."

Someone's hands covered my eyes. "Guess who got it Beautiful?" The 'mysterious' person asked me, I knew it was Oliver.

"I don't know maybe the one that kept falling off his broom."

"You guessed it!?" He said uncovering my eye's to reveal my name on a big poster with a picture of me flying. 'KEEPER #2, Y/n Potter!'

"Aww it's cute Oli!"

"Congratulation's Beautiful!" "Well first practice is tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning, so don't be late."

"Why so early?" I asked him.

"Because we need to train you." He told me.

"But I'm already trained."

"Not the Gryffindor way."

"Ugh fine I'll be there."

"Are you guy's forgetting that I'm here?" Hermione said.

"Oh right! Sorry Mione!" I laughed.

"What are you guy's laughing about?" Harry asked giving Oliver a glare because he had his hand around my waist.

Oliver saw the glare a quickly let go.

"Nothing." I told him. There was a awkward silence.

"Oliver why are you so scared of my brother he's just Harry." I said turning to Oliver.

"Probably because harry is fearless." Hermione said. "Dude, Your brother risked his life to fucking win us a game!" Oliver said.

"Oliver language!" Hermione gasped.

"Did you?" I asked Harry.

"Did I what?" Harry asked.

"Did you win?" I asked Harry.

"No." Harry mumbled, looking at the ground. "See he would've got you the win. So don't be scared of him." I told Oliver.

"Yeah and die? No thanks!" He said looking at me.

I look at my phone to check the time. It said 6:00 am Wednesday,September,21st.

"Shit. We need to get ready for class we're gonna be late!" I told Hermione.

"Don't you need to get ready too?" I asked Oliver.

"Nope, Free period." He said.

"Lucky." I told him running up the stairs.

I ran into the dorm with Hermione. We then woke Ginny up. While Ginny got in the shower I got changed into some ripped jeans and a white collar shirt. Put my robe's on, Straightened my hair, Put my phone in my back pocket, Grabbed my book's and ran down the stair's.

"Wow that was fast." Harry said standing next to Oliver.

"Let's go!" I said putting my arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Bye my love, See you later." I told Oliver giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok love bird's let's go." Hermione said.

"Bye beautiful." Oliver said before we left.


Hope thank you for staying in my journey!

-Peyton Riddle😘

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