Chapter 17- Resorting.

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"Bye Uncle Moony!" I said waving to him as I got on the train.

"Bye baby pad." He called to me.

Me, Hermione, Harry, And Ron sat in a empty compartment together.

We talked and laughed for a while. Then I remembered to go and see if I had any classes with Blaise and Pansy.

"Hold on guy's I'll be back." I told them standing up.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked me.

"The bathroom." I told him lying. I hated lying to him but I was not ready for him to know I was friend's with his enemy's. I walked out. I looked for Blaise and Pansy and I couldn't find them in the compartment's but when I went to where most of the Slytherin's sat I saw them sitting with Draco. I hoped they didn't see me so I turned around and walked away. But then I heard Blaise say my name.

"Hey P over here!" He calls me 'P' cause of my last name. I turned and walked to them. I ignored Draco.

"What's up?" Blaise asked me.

"I just want to know if Me, You, And Pansy had any classes together." I told him.

"Let's see." He said. I read out my schedule to him.

"Damn it." Pansy said.

"What?" I asked her.

"We only have Potion's together." She said.

"Are you serious!?" I asked.

"Same." Blaise said.

"Bull." I said standing straight up.

Draco chuckled. I looked at him. "What are you chuckling at?" I asked him. Damn he got hot.

"Just the fact we have every single class together." He said.

"Bull shit. Lemme see." I told him holding out my hand. He pulled the paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. I read it. Every. Single. Class. We had every single class together. OMG.

"Ugh." I rolled my eye's. "This on top of the Re sorting." I said raising my hand's.

"I know. I'm pretty sure me and Pans are staying in Slytherin." Blaise said.

"Yeah been over thinking it since I got the letter yesterday. Any way's I'll see you guy's later. I have to get back to Harry." I said.

"Ok Bye P!" Blaise said.

"Bye babe." Pansy said. We call each other that.

"See ya." Draco said. I made a weak smile and rolled my eye's.

I walked back to the compartment. "Hey guy's." I said sitting back down.

"Hey." They all said.

We laughed and talked the rest of the way. When we got there we saw these carriages being flown by Pegasus's.

"Well you don't see that everyday." Fred said.

"No, No you don't." I said laughing.

Then a ship came up from under the water. WOW. I wonder what's going on. We walked into the Great hall. Oh lord was I scared. Everyone got resorted. Everyone was sorted into their original house.

"Y/n Potter" Professor McGonagall said.

I walked up to the hat.

"Aha here we go. Definitely Slytherin." The hat said. "SLYTHERIN!" It shouted.

Shit Shit Shit. I walked over and sat in-between Blaise and Pansy.

"Welcome to Slytherin Pottah." A guy called to me.

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