Chapter 19- A WHAT!?

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He did not just say my name! This has to be one of the Twin's prank's. I felt a nudge.

"y/n go!" pansy whispered.

I stood up and walked up to him. The Slytherin table was cheering but the other houses weren't. That's alright. I didn't want them too.

Me and Harry both stopped at Dumbledore.

"Go with the rest of the champion's." He said handing us our paper's. We walked into the room with the Champion's.

"Y/n, Harry what are you doing here?" Cedric asked when he saw us.

"I don't know. After you left our name's flew out." I explained to him.

We heard the teacher's. They were arguing.

"Harry, Y/n did either of you put your names in the Goblet of Fire!?" Dumbledore shouted as he ran over to me and Harry.

"No sir." I said.

"Well I didn't do it." Harry said turning his head to me.

"Don't blame me I thought it was you or one of the twin's." I told him.

"As much as I hate her, I believe her." Harry said.

"I believe him too." I said rolling my eye's.

"Well sorry to tell you guy's but you have to compete." Snape said.

"ARE YOU MENTAL WE ARE 15!" I shouted.

"FOR ONCE I AGREE WITH HER." Harry shouted. I still hated him.

"Woah come down. We will have proffeser moody watch over you two. You two will be competing as a team." McGonagall said.

"A WHAT?" Me and Harry both shouted. I could not compete as a team with him.

"A team. You two are gonna have to put this hatrid aside for a moment." Dumbledore said.

"Oh my god. This is so stupid." I said.

"First task is in a week. Good luck and Have your feast." Snape said.

We left. I can't believe I had to be on a team with Harry. Out of all people. The person I hate the most.

"Hey y/n" Viktor said.

"Oh Hi Viktor." I said with a smile. "Good luck." I told him and caught up with Cedric who was with Harry.

"Hey." Cedric said.

"Hey." I said.

"Excited?" he asked.

"Not one bit." I told him.

"You got this y/n your strong. I know it." Cedric told me.

"Thank you to Ced." I hugged him. He hugged me back.

After the feast me and Pansy went to our dorm. I couldn't sleep. Luckily I always had my mini fridge. I always (ever since summer) put fire whiskey in there. Pansy and Blaise got me into it. I drank the whole bottle and knocked out like a light after.

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