Chapter 15- Summer fun.

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It was early in the morning. I had stayed the night at Hermione's house.

"Y/n get up we need to go." She said as I opened my eye's.

"Ok, Ok I'm up." I said sitting up. "Where are we going?"

"The burrow remember!?" She said throwing me my clothes.

Me and her over the summer had become like sister's. We acted like siblings' around each other. "Ow you toss pot." I whisper shouted as my jean's hit me in the eye.

"Well then get the bloody hell up y/n" She said.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

Me and her would speak to each other like we were siblings' like calling each other name's, or hitting each other. But later we would have a good laugh about it.

I changed and did my hair as Hermione did the same. Me and Mione had spent most of the summer together. When I wasn't with her I was with Blaise and Pansy.

I had went to Hogsmead during the summer to get a nice cold butterbeer and saw them. I said hi to them and our friendship grew from then.

"Thanks Leo." I said to Hermione's dad. That was his name no one knew it except for the Family and me.

"No problem hun." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Bye Roberta." I said to Hermione's mom.

"Love you guy's." She said pulling us into a hug. Me and Hermione knew how to apperate so it wasn't that hard to get to the burrow.

We got to the burrow and Molly was already waiting for us she had breakfast ready and everything.

"Hello Molly." I said. "I missed you."

"Awe I missed you too dear." She said.

"Hi molly" Hermione said hugging her.

"You guy's can put your bag's down over there. And can you guy's go and wake up the kid's?" She asked.

"Yes Ma'am." Me and Hermione said in unison. We walked up the stair's.

"I'll get Ron and you get the twin's." I told her as I stopped at Ron's door.

"What about Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"Oh I will get her." I told her.

"Ok see you later." She told me walking up more stair's.

"Oh and try not to flirt to hard." I told her.

"Same to you." She said with a grin. I walked into the room and saw that my twin brother was in there too. I woke Harry up first.

"Harry, Harry!" I whispered shouted as I shook him awake. He opened his eye's and went for his glasses.

"When did you get here?" He asked me.

"Just now you?" I asked him.

"Last night." He said.

"Ok well breakfast is ready downstairs." I told him walking over to Ron.

"Ron, Ron." I said trying to shake him awake. He still didn't wake up. "Ronald! RONALD!" I said practically yelling now.

"What mum?" He said turning away from me.

"It's y/n you bloody idiot get up." I told him walking out of the room. "Oh and don't go back to sleep." I said poking my head in.

I walked downstairs' and saw Ginny on the couch. Hermione and Fred sitting at the table. And George next to Ginny.

The twin's saw me at the same time and they stood up. They ran over to me and ruffled my hair. "Hey Kiddo." The said together.

"For your information I am 15 not a kid anymore." I told them.

"Technically in our eye's you are." They said. "And did you hear you are now our main keeper since Oliver graduated."

"Yes. Yes I did." I hugged them.

"Bloody hell." I heard a voice say from behind me. It was the one and only Ronald. He looked me up and down and licked his lip's.

I had a glow up over summer break. I cut my dark brown hair to my shoulders and Mione cut my bang's. Me and Mione also worked out. Pansy gave me so mascara and eyeliner to use. I had to admit I had gotten tan and I looked good. He looked different too. He had stretched out had gotten ab's and had gotten more handsome.

"Morning sleepy head." I said going up to him. I hugged him and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Morning Beautiful." He said giving me a kiss on top of my head. He was still taller than me. Even Ginny was taller than me. And I was a year older than her. Mind you Harry was fairly short too.

"Ronald get off of my sister." Harry said pulling me out of the hug.

"Harry come on dude." Ron said.

"No you bloody toss pot. No y/n until you've eaten." Harry said.

"Hi y/n." Ginny said hugging me.

"Hey Gin I missed you." I told her.

"I know I am amazing like that." She said. I rolled my eye's playfully.

"Ok breakfast hurry." Molly said. We ate. Ronald seem to enjoy his meal cause he ate so fast. Right after he finished He gave Harry the 'pleeeaassseee' look and Harry gave in.

Ron ran around the table and tackled me with kisses. "Y/n can I ask you somethi-" Ron said before being cut off by a loud bang. It was the owl.

"They're our letter's mom." Percy said. He handed us all our letter's.

Mine read:

Dear Y/n Potter,

We have been informed that someone has been sorted into the wrong house. We at the beginning of the year will be resorting everyone. But for this year's classes you have a page of book's to get and your schedule. Have a nice day.

Signed: Minerva McGonagall

I looked up after reading my letter and everyone else was just as confused as I was.

"That's dumb." Ginny yelled out.

"Right." I yelled with her.

"Y/n can I ask you somthing?" Ron asked.

"Can it wait till later ron?" I asked.

"Yeah it can." He said getting up and going to pack.

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