Chapter 4 - The Morning

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I hear my alarm go off. I get up and turn it off.

I go and get in the shower. When I got out of the shower Hermione was already awake. Good thing I had a towel on.

"WOW!" she says.

"What is something wrong?" I ask.

"Your glowing today!" she says.

"Why thank you!" I say feeling loved and pretty.

"So Y/n where are you going today that you have to be up so early?" she says while walking into the closet where I am.

"Going to 'The three broomsticks' with George." I tell her.

"ooooooo" I here her go walking next to me. "Watcha gonna wear?"

"I don't know Mione that's why I'm looking."

"OH! I have the best dress for a date!"


Then Ginny walked in "Who's going on a date?" she says with a smirk on her face.

"NO ONE" I yell.

"Y/n's going on a date." Hermione smiled.

"oooooo with who?" Ginny asked.

"George!" Hermione said handing me the dress.


"Mione, It's beautiful , but ITS NOT A DATE!!" I laugh

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"Mione, It's beautiful , but ITS NOT A DATE!!" I laugh.

"Good Cause who would see George in that way" Ginny says pretending to throw up.

"ugh fine." Mione rolls her eyes.

I pick out an outfit. and show them.

I walk out wearing this with my medium length dark brown hair in a messy bun and some mascara

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I walk out wearing this with my medium length dark brown hair in a messy bun and some mascara.

"I'm gonna admit you actually look very pretty." Mione said.

"More than pretty , BEAUTIFUL!" Ginny smiled.

"Thank you guys. I'm gonna be late to the hangout." I said putting an emphasis on the word 'hangout'.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and headed to the door.

"Ok bye!" I hear them both say as I walk out the dorm. "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE!"

"ITS NOT A DATE!" I yell back at them.

I turn around and see George.

"What's not a date?" he says chuckling.


Hey Bae's I hope you guys like this chapter! I have been on a writers block lately and i've been studying for my civics SOL but thank you for holding up with me!

-Peyton Riddle

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