Chapter 11- The problem

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I felt bad as we walked out of charms', it was awkward.

"Are you two ok?" I heard Harry ask making me snap out of my thought's.

"Oh um, Yeah I'm fine." I said muttering out.

"Harry mutters when he lies." I heard Ron spit out.

"I didn't ask Weasley." I said snapping my head to him.

"Well I told." He said with a angry look on his face.

"But I didn't need to be told. So shut up." I said looking in his eyes'.

"How about you-" Ron said before being cut off.

"Will you two stop it. You are acting like children." Hermione slightly yelled at us.

"For real whatever is going on with you two will have to stop because I need some friends to help me solve this hint." Harry said. Me and Ron both rolled our eyes'.

"Harry lets' go we have practice." I said grabbing Harry's arm.

After we got into the Gryffindor locker room Harry asked me a question.

"What is going on with you two?"

"I don't know what your talking about." I told him.

"Yes you do y/n." He told me.

"I'll tell you after practice." I told him grabbing my broom and heading to the door.

"Fine." He said walking with me to the field.

I saw Oliver and immediately tried to get what happened before charms' out my head. When we got to the group I walked up to him and gave him a side hug he kissed me on the cheek.

"I missed you babe." He said letting go of me.

"I missed you too." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking to the team.

I stepped in the space in-between Fred and George. They both ruffled my hair. "Welcome to the team kid." They said in unison.

"Oh shut up, And thanks' guys." I said hugging them and fixing my hair.

"Today we have a new second keeper. Everyone welcome my girlfriend, Y/n Potter." Oliver said with a smile.

I faked smiled and waved. After that Oliver taught me some plays' but I didn't listen to any of them. All that went through my head was Ron's soft lips. Don't get me wrong Oliver was a great kisser but Ron was better.

"Y/n what's going on with you today?" Oliver asked me.

"Nothing." I told him.

"Ok well get your head in the game. We have a game next weekend." He said.

After that I didn't think about that. We went into the locker room and Harry asked me once again.

"So what were you going to tell me?"

"Later I promise." And we walked out of the locker room.

On our way back to the school I told Harry what happened.

"So, I have been acting weird is because , I erm kissed Ron." I told him stuttering. He stopped walking and looked at me.

"But your dating Oliver."

"Yeah, I KISSED HIM TWICE HARRY. TWICE!" I shouted. "and the thing is I liked it."

"Y/n... I don't know what to tell you, except for follow your heart."

"I know, I know."

We walked into the common room and I saw Hermione and Ron talking. Hermione walked up to me and pulled me to our dorm.

"Are you serious?" Hermione asked me.

"He told you didn't he?" I asked her.

"Yes he told me!" she said to me.

"I don't know Hermione I really like him but I'm dating Oliver and I don't want to hurt either of them." I told her.

"Well your basically cheating y/n you need to tell Oliver." She said.

"I can't Hermione." I started tearing up.

"Y/n you did this to yourself." Hermione slightly shouted.

"Why are you yelling at me Hermione? I didn't mean for this to happen." I slightly shouted back at her.

"Y/N YOU ARE CHEATING!" she said raising her voice. She made me cry. I ran out of the dorm crying. I ran into the common room and right into the person I didn't want to see at the moment.......


Uh oh a cliff hanger..... Don't worry I'm working on it.

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