Chapter 20- Drama to the max.

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I woke up with the worst headache ever.

I knew I had drank to much last night. But I felt my bed leaning. Showing me someone was sitting on it and I heard mumbles. The boys. I heard Pansy too. I could barley make out what they were saying.

"i really like y/n..." A voice that sounded like Draco's mumbled.

"dude me too." I think it was Blaise this time. THEY BOTH LIKE ME!?

"so we all like her!?" I heard Pansy whisper shout. I didn't know she came out to them.

"But we can't." Draco whispered.

"well no shit." Blaise said.

Wow this is gonna get awkward if I get up. I sat up.

"Morning guys." I said with a smile. Blaise was sitting on my bed. They all looked at me. Waiting for me to say something.

"I said Good morning!" I told them.

"Oh yeah Morning y/n." They all said. I was a very good actor.

"Uhm I think I drank to much last night can someone get me some Tylenol?" I asked rubbing my temple.

Pansy was the only one who knew where I kept med's. She handed me some. And a small cup of water. I drank a little of the water. I popped the pill in my mouth put some water and swallowed it.

"So what's up with you guy's this morning?" I asked.

"Nothing." Blaise said.

"Ok well can I get dressed?" I asked. They all were leaving.

"Pansy you can stay you've seen me get dressed before." I told her as she walked back in the room. I didn't want to go to class. But I had too. I got dressed into my uniform. I put my hair in a messy bun. I grabbed my phone, and my bag.

Me and Pansy walked out of the dorm.

The boy's were waiting for us. We all walked to breakfast together. Viktor was there. He came up to me.

"Hey you ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah thank you. Have a nice day Viktor." I said giving him a smile as Pansy pulled me with her.

We sat down and ate. We walked our separate way to our clases. Of course me and Draco walked together. We got through the first classes then went to lunch. Pansy and Blaise were arguing. But I ignored it.

"Hey guys" I said as me and Draco sat down across from them. They stopped arguing.

"Hey." The said. We had the rest of the day off. I picked up a biscuit and put it on my plate.

"So Blaise since your the tallest. I'm gonna need you to help me train." I said.

"You up for it?" He shook his head yes.

"What is the first competition?" Pansy asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that me and my Brother have to be a team." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh great." Draco said.

"Right." I told them.

"What time?" Blaise asked.

"Uhm maybe after lunch." I told him.

"Ok good." Blaise said.

We laughed and talked through lunch. It seemed everything was back to normal. Me and Blaise trained near the black lake. I saw Harry and Neville. Then I saw Hermione, Ron, And Ginny. I knew that wasn't good because I knew Harry and Ron had got into a fight. They walked over to Harry and Neville.

"I'll be right back." I told Blaise. My big twin sister instincts kicked in. "And what exactly are you guy's doing here?" I said stepping in front of Harry.

"It's none of your business y/n." Ron said in an irritated voice.

"Oh really because I think it kinda is." I said.

"Y/n don't" Blaise called out.

"What so now your with Zabini!?" Ron asked.

"No he's helping me train. But so what if I was. He would actually like me instead of using me to make my best friend jealous who likes your brother." I shouted madly. Blaise ran over to me.

"Whoa y/n calm down. y/n calm down" He said pulling me away.

"Y/n I didn't know you could do that?" Harry said.

"Do what!?" I asked.

"your eye's they turned red." Blaise said.

"I... I didn't either." I said. "Now let go of me I need to give that son of a bitch a peice of my mind." I said getting up. Ron looked scared. Hermione too.

"Harry just go to Hagrid tonight. Oh and bring the cloak." Hermione said. As Ron, Her, And Ginny ran away.

Blaise grabbed me before I could run after them. I tried to wiggle out of his arm's, But he was way stronger than me.

"Sorry about that." I said after Blaise let me go.

"All good." Harry said.

"This still doesn't mean we're friend's." I told him.

"Yeah I know." He said.

Me and Blaise walked back to training. After training it was dinner time.

"So how was training?" Draco asked.

"Oh we'll tell you guy's later. You guy's need to hang out in the dorm tonight." I told them.

"Ok." Blaise and Draco said. After dinner we went to the common room.

*1:45 AM*

Me and Blaise told them all about what happened after lunch. I didn't even notice how late it was. Then we heard a frantic knock on the portrait.

"I'll get it." I said getting up.

"Who would it be at this time!?" Pansy asked.

"I don't know." I said. I opened the door it was Harry.

"Oh hello what are you doing?" I asked.

"I know what the first task is." He said.

"Ok come in." I told him. He walked in.

"What is he doing here!?" Draco asked.

"He knows what the first task is." I told him. Harry sat down with us.

He told us what it was. We were all surprised and scared....

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