Chapter 14-Quidditch and The end of year 4

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I woke up when I heard Oliver calling my name and Ron shaking me up.

"Y/n, love get up it's breakfast time and Mione made you something." Ron said as I sat up.

"Oh yeah. Um ok let's go." I yawned as I got up.

When we got to the great hall I saw Mione and Ginny sitting down talking to Harry.

"Hey guy's." I said sitting down next to my brother.

"Hey look I made you some coffee." Hermione said.

"Thank you so much Mione." I told her.

"It's what I do." she replied.

I drank the coffee and ate a muffin Oliver had put on my plate.

"Ok come on team." He said. We all got up and walked to the field. "Ok it's warm and sunny, The ground is dry. We should be good today." Oliver said.

We walked into the locker room and got dressed. We heard roaring from the crowd in the stadium and went to the walk way.

I stepped in between the twin's. "Scared?" The asked in unison.

"A little." I said.

"Your gonna be fine." They said as they ruffled my hair.

"You'll be great." Harry said turning around to me giving me a sentimental smile. "Thanks." I said smiling back.


Harry pushed me to the front and the wood door's opened. I walked in and waved. I looked at the Slytherin team and I saw all of their faces. Malfoy's made me laugh. He was surprised. He was mad at the same time though. I stood infront of him.

"Crazy isn't it." I arched my eyebrow.

"Shut up pottah." He said.

"Ok fair fight. Captian's shake hand's." Madam Hooch said. The captain's, Marcus Flint and Oliver, Shook hand's. "Ok mount your broom's." she said.

I mounted my broom and looked Malfoy in the eye. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we were off. I had went to watch from afar. I saw that a buldger had knocked Oliver off of his broom. So of course I replaced him.

I blocked all of the shot's that Slytherin had tried to make. And we won. The whole Gryffindor house ran onto the field and Twins' lifted me up on their shoulders.

"Yeah y/n did it!" I heard Harry yell.

"I love you y/n" I heard Fred yell.

They put me down and right as they put me down Fred grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. People started cheering but I pulled away. People stopped.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked.

"Just um, I can't do this Fred. I can't hurt your brother like that. While you might be handsome and smart and funny and attractive, I know a beautiful girl out there who really, really likes you." I said referring to Hermione because she told me she liked him. "I can't hurt my bestfriend like that." I said.

He smiled at me. This time it wasn't him who ruffled my hair, It was me who ruffled his. I had to stand on my tippy toe's.

"That's a good reason." He smiled.

"Party in the Gryffindor common room!" George shouted. Then 6 hour's later we were all drunk on fire whiskey and passed out.

*5 month's later*

It was the last week of school. Me and Ron were still friend's.

Fred and Hermione hadn't staryed dating. And Gryffindor won the quidditch cup. Thanks to me.

I found out that my adopted father came to kill Harry. He is still alive. Harry saved my adopted father. And here we are now.

"I am so happy that final exam's were cancelled." Ron said as we walked into the common room after dinner.

"Me too." I said. "Me and Harry were so caught up with quidditch I barely had time to do my work."

"Yeah." Harry said.

"Ok we leave tomorrow so go and pack boy's and Y/n you come with me." Hermione said.

"Ok see you guy's tomorrow." I waved to the boy's. We went and packed. I got some nice rest. The next morning was hard.

I had to say goodbye to everyone. I was gonna miss Neville. We went to the train's. I slept the whole time. Uncle moony had got off the train with me.

I said my goodbye's to the weasleys' and the Trio.

"Come and stay with us Harry Uncle Moony said it was ok." I told Harry.

"Ok." Harry said. Me,Harry, And uncle moony aperated back home and went straight to bed.

Merlin was it an exhausting year.




Hey guys it's Peyton. So I know that Harry said in a previous chapter that he had to figure out the first clue. And I know that in their 4th year was the GOF but I want to push it to their 5th year. Thank you for understanding.

Your author, Peyton Lupin-Black.

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