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y/n's pov

I felt warmth, tickling my skin as I lay in bed. My eyes were closed and I didn't want to get up. But I knew that I would have to for work. 

I had a part time job in retail, 14 hours of work on Saturday, 6 hours of work on Wednesday (I don't have a job, so I don't know how that works🤨) . It was Saturday, so I had a long a long day ahead of me.

I hated my job, talking to people, but it was the only job available and I needed it. My dad died in a fire a couple of months ago. And a couple of years before that mom died in a car crash. 

It was. . . crazy, to say the least. I had just turned 18 when my dad died(did I say 19 before? well. . . now it's 18!), so I was no longer a minor. Since I wasn't a minor, I was left on my own. There weren't a lot of people around, and I liked it that way. But now that ranboo was here, I had a friend. For the first time in years, I actually enjoyed someone's company.

ranboo's pov

I woke up at 2:00 p.m., when my mom came in.

"Wake up, sleepyhead."

I groaned in response.

"Don't you have something to do?" My mom asked. "Weren't you recording a video or something today?"

I was wide awake by then. "My viewers are going to kill me," I mumbled. "Thanks."

"Mhmm," mom said. "As usual."

I walked over to my pc, and loaded up minecraft. I opened twitch, and clicked the "go live" button.

My chat was spamming 'late'.

"I know, I know. I'm late again." I apologized. "I'm going to get a new alarm."

I pulled up discord and joined the vc that phil was in.

"hello," I said.

"ello," phil greeted. "watcha' doing?"

"I don't know. I just started streaming." I replied.

I joined the smp and spawned in my little hut outside of techno's house.

I saw his character inside his house. And it slowly turned its head towards me.

<Ranboo> hello

<Technoblade> hi

He got back to what he was doing and pretended like I wasn't there.

I muted myself in discord. "Chat," I started. "Was it a mistake moving on this guy's property?"

Techno joined the call and asked phil something, but I was just reading donations.

I left the vc and went into the nether. I saw who was online and decided to join tubbo's vc.


"Ranboo! Hi!" 

"What are you so excited about?" I asked

"I don't know," He replied.

I chuckled. "Okay,"

y/n's pov

I was on my break and had gotten a notification that ranboo was live. I went into twitch and started watching his stream.

He laughed. "Okay,"

I decided to donate to him.

y/u/n donated 50$

a robotic voice started reading: hii :)

"Hi, y/n," I could hear the smile in his voice. "Thanks for the 50."

&quot;𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊?&quot; ⤷ mr. ranbooWhere stories live. Discover now