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(if you're squeamish, this chapter has some stuff that you wouldn't enjoy reading, but I'll catch you up at the end)

2nd pov (you, yourself)

The next day you woke up, your eyes puffy. You felt horrible. Your throat sore, nose runny. Head spinning, you got out of bed. Just in time, you were at the toilet. 

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ time skip♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

You got back into bed with water, a bin (to throw up in), and some Advil. 

Turning on your phone, you saw the time: 2:00 p.m., Sunday morning. You also saw the million notifications you had gotten.





are you awake?


r u okay?


sorry, i was asleep.


oh, okay

He responded almost immediately which made you wonder if he had just been waiting for you to text him back for two hours. His first text was at 11:54 a.m.

Your phone started ringing, letting you know that he wanted to call.

"Hi," you said in your best "I'm-not-sick" voice.

"Uh. . . are you sick?"

"No. *cough* I'm fine" I replied.

"Mhmm. I totally believe that. Are you okay?" He asked.

"It's just a fever." You coughed again.

"Do you need me to come over?" He offered.

"Um. . . if there wasn't a global pandemic going on. . . sure." You deadpanned.

"It doesn't matter, you're sick."

"You think I didn't notice?"

"Do you live alone?" he asked.

Pain hit in a different spot, then. Your heart.

"Yeah," You answered, voice cracking.

You heard the sound of rustling before ranboo muted. A couple of moments later, someone was knocking at your door. You got up slowly and headed towards it.

You unlocked it, and turned around straight away, walking towards your bedroom again.

"Y/n?" ranboo called out to you.

"What?" you croaked.

Heavy footsteps approached your door, before a knock came. 

"Come in."

"You okay?" He asked, peeking his head through your bedroom door before awkwardly shuffling in.

"Yeah," you said sarcastically, hiding your head under your soft comforters.

Ranboo peeled back the covers gently, revealing your face.

He put his hand on your forehead before you could say anything. He frowned.

"What?" you asked.

"You have a pretty bad fever."

ranboo's pov

I put my hand on y/n's forehead. She was burning up.

"What?" she asked.

"You have a pretty bad fever."

Before she could say anything, I was out of the apartment, swiftly grabbing things from mine, and bringing them back. 

I took some crackers and gave them to y/n. She looked like she was in pain.

"You feeling okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah," she replied before wincing in pain. 

"You sure?" I tried again, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"No," she relented.

"What's wrong?"

"My stomach. Can you get my heating pad? It's in my closet."

I walked into a door, and found it quickly, on the floor.

I plugged it in and handed to her.

"Thanks," she mumbled.


༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ time skip♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

I stayed over that night to make sure that y/n was okay. I had brought all my stuff for school and put it in her living room.

I was sleeping on her bedroom floor so I was close to her.

"Goodnight," y/n's voice rang through the darkness.

"G'night," I mumbled, tired.

y/n's pov

ranboo was staying over to make sure I was okay that night. He was sleeping in my bedroom but for some reason, it didn't feel that weird.

It felt so normal to be around him. I felt so safe.

It was so peaceful, listening to his soft snores, moonlight dimly lighting up the room. So even feeling so sick, I fell asleep.

(okay, for the people that chose to skip the chapter, y/n is sick and ranboo comes over to take care of her. he ends up staying overnight to make sure she's okay.)


hii! thanks for reading! so, last time i checked, I had 79 reads and like 6 votes. Now I almost have 200 reads and 20 votes? excuse me? I never expected this! thank you so mucchhh! love you guys!


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