
6.7K 214 271

2nd pov (you, yourself):

You clicked the "go live" button, and greeted you chat. Within the next few minutes, you had almost 7k viewers. 

"Wow," you breathed into the mic. "That's a lot of people watching me do nothing."

You read out donations, and started up minecraft.

"Ok guys, today I have ranboo-"

A small "hello came from ranboo as I continued.

"-and I'm going to be playing on the Dream SMP again! You guys really seem to like it," you said.

You logged onto the Dream SMP and saw that there were a lot more people online than the last time.

<The_Eret> Hello?

<Tubbo_> Hi!

<y/u/n> Hello :)

"I don't think ranboo's going to log on," you said slowly, looking up at him. He shook is head. "Yeah, he's not."

ShelbieWasTaken donated 20$

a robotic voice started reading: thought I would start small since it's the beginning of stream. btw is ranboo in the same room as you? it doesn't sound like he's on a discord call with you.

"Um. . . Shelbie, thank you for the twenty," I look back at him for permission to tell chat and he reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, he's with me right now. . . we decided to meet up."

You chose your words carefully, as to not give away ranboo's location. You were fine with chat knowing your location, but ranboo didn't was still uncomfortable with it.

 You set up your webcam like normal and pointed it towards Boots.

You looked over to your other monitor and joined a vc with someone named Tubbo in it.

"Hello!" you heard a cheery voice through your headset. 

"Hi!" you said with the same enthusiasm.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Oh, I. . . just started streaming, actually. I'm ranboo's friend." you responded.

"Oh! That's nice!" he seemed really energetic. "What's your name? You can call me Tubbo."

"You can call me n/n (nick name)," I said.

Right then, someone joined your vc. Looking over to your monitor, you saw that it was someone called Philza.


"Phil!" Tubbo said. "This is n/n!"

"Hi," you said shyly. 


While you had this conversation, you continued building your house.

It had been about half an hour and it was 9:00 p.m. for you.

"Alright, it's late for me and I have school tomorrow," Tubbo said. "Bye!"

"Bye Tubbo! Nice meeting you!"


With that, Tubbo and Phil left the vc and you just went mining. You wanted to get netherite.

"Chat, I kinda wanna get netherite tonight," you declared.

You mined for about thirty minutes until you felt that you were ready to go to the nether. The mining had really made you forget about pain you were experiencing.

As you went into the nether, you read out donos. You walked pretty far before you decided that you were far enough to start an ancient debris mine. 

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛time skip♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

After blowing up what felt like a million beds, you had enough ancient debris from full netherite armor, and three netherite ingots leftover. One for your pic, one for your axe, and one for your sword. 

You got back to the overworld and found a smithing table. Once you had upgraded your armor and tools, you farmed xp and enchanted your gear.

"Alright chat," you said. "I think I'm gonna end stream here. It's getting kind of late, and I have school tomorrow."

You raided a small streamer, watching their reaction, and turned off your computer.

Laying down on your bed, you grabbed your heating pad and plugged it in.

"Did you need anything else before I go?" ranboo asked.

"No, but thanks for your care." you smiled at him before hiding under the covers and checking twitter. You heard the front door close.

You had trouble sleeping that night. Maybe it was because of all of the stress at school or work. Maybe it was because there was a bunch of stuff on your mind. Maybe it was because you didn't hear a special someone's voice, lulling you to sleep.

Grabbing your phone, you were about to call ranboo, realizing that you still hadn't changed his contact name from "ranboo🤨"

You laughed, seeing that again. You changed his name to "ranboo👑❤️"

You don't know why you added the heart, but you did. 

You pressed the "facetime" button and your phone didn't even ring twice before he picked up.

"Hello?" he said.


"Did you need something?" he asked.

"I just can't fall asleep," you said, realizing how childish that sounded.

He chuckled. "And?"

"I dunno."


You heard a lot of clicking noises, indicating that he was on his computer.

He talked a bit which spiraled into rambling. You thought it was cute.

And listening to the sounds of his computer mouse clicking and his comforting words, you fell asleep.


hii! sorry for not updating in a while and also always ending the chapter with you falling asleep, but. . . i don't really have that many ideas so pls suggest in the comments :)


&quot;𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊?&quot; ⤷ mr. ranbooWhere stories live. Discover now