too much.

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y/n's pov:

over the course of the next couple of days, I just streamed and played minecraft with ranboo. simple.

I had met pretty much everyone on the SMP, and I became pretty close friends with Niki and Puffy. 

we talked a lot and slowly a week on the SMP turned into a month.

.        .        .

2nd pov:

you heard the familiar ringtone of someone calling you on discord. you looked a mess, but it was only dream, so you knew he would have his camera off, so you would too (y/n is kinda socially awkward so if someone had their camera off in a video call and they were the only ones, she would feel awkward and turn it off).

you picked up and greeted him.

"Hey y/n! Me and a bunch of the other SMP members have been planning to all meet up in about a month. . .is that okay?"

you were caught a bit off guard about this one. dream was usually pretty secretive about himself, and you had only been playing on the SMP for a month.

"I-I mean if it's fine with you. . . sure?"

"Do you need to ask anyone in your house or something?" he asked.

your intake of breath was sharp. you had completely forgotten that no one knew except for ranboo that you lived alone.

"I-I wa-was just abou-about to a-add that I needed t-to ask!" you said, trying to cover up your mistake.

dream's pov:

that definitely wasn't the truth, so I tried digging a little deeper. I didn't want to leave the call having found too much, but I wanted to know what was going on with y/n. ranboo already told me that she lived alone, and she's only a minor (a/n did I say she was 19? well. . . NOT ANYMORE. SHE 16 AND RANBOO 17 OMG I LOVE BEING ABLE TO CHANGE WHATEVER I WANTTT)

"Are you sure?" I asked, knowing I was walking on very thin ice.

"U-Uh y-yeah!" y/n said, trying to sound perky.

"Are you really sure, y/n?" I was sure that that was probably going to tip her over the edge, but this was not the type of reaction I had expected. 

y/n's pov:

He finally pushed me over the ledge.

I broke down and told him everything.

As sobs racked my body I told him that when I was young, my mom was the only one who kept me company.

I told him that when my mom killed herself, me and my dad moved to the city.

I told him that my dad never took care of me.

I told him that my dad died in a car crash when he was drunk.

I told him that I lived alone. With no one at all.

I told him that when ranboo moved, I started laughing again.

I told him that when ranboo was around, I felt all fluttery.


I told him too much.


hiii! sorry for this chapter not being out for a while, I just wanted to catch up on some sleep after being in Puerto Rico for 6 days (spoiler: I did not catch up on any sleep). Anyways, pls stay hydrated, eat some food if you haven't today already, and know that I love you and care abt u.


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