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The next day once i'd finished getting ready, i joined my family for breakfast in the parlour. It was pretty normal, and of course Francis was reading the news that normally goes around Kent.

Suddenly Petunia came in holding a flower basket, that covered all of her face and most of her upper half. "Miss Haywood, these have come for you." She mumbled from behind the flowers. I looked around at my family who were equally as confused as i was. I got up out of my chair and Matthew followed so that he could take the basket out of Petunia's arms who was clearly struggling. Once we'd got them settled down on a table i managed to finally see the note that was hidden inside. It said...

Dear Miss Haywood,

I hope these flowers find you well. Think of them as an invitation to promenade with me in the early afternoon.

Yours truly, Daniel Fitzwilliam

It was only a small note, but the thought of the flowers made me smile.

"Well, Diana? Who are they from?" My mother asked. I put the note back in the flowers and turned around to face her and the rest of my family who also all seemed eager to know. I furrowed my brows "not that it's any of your buisness, but they are from Daniel, Daniel Fitzwilliam." i answered, holding my head high.

"Of course it's my buisness Diana, as your mother i must be aware of all your options." She answered finally sitting back down again. I laughed in disbelief at how much she'd just degraded me. "options? Mother as far as i'm concerend if Francis had multiple women wanting to court him you'd be very specific as to which one he married." I objected walking closer to her slowly. "Well of course, she'd be the next lady of this house Diana." she argued. "Yes, but it would be the same with Ambrose and Matthew. Just because i am a woman doesn't give you the right to talk about my future of such low standard!" I added raising my voice slightly out of frustration.

"Diana that is quite enough." Francis said in a passive aggressive tone standing up from his seat. "Of course Francis must come in and save the day because he's the head of this house. Oh and he's a MANNNNN. A strong, brave, charming, wealthy man in which women would trip over their feet for because they have no self respect." I mocked him, and i wasn't going to stay silent anymore. "I've had it up to here with the fact that my ONLY purpose on this earth anymore is to find my husband and bear his children." I finally yelled, before storming out of the room and heading straight up the stairs for mine.

I wasn't sure what had come over me, and why i had gotten so sensitive over a word. I guess that was i all i needed to finally snap. I wasn't really mad at anyone, i was more mad at myself. I was overcome with confusion about feelings and emotions, and i'm the kind of person who has to figure something out once the questions in my head. However, right now that wasn't going very well for me as i had no ideo what was going on.

I sat down on my bed and laid my back against the headboard. I then heard a knock at the door, but couldn't be bothered to put up a fight so i simply just allowed them to come in. It was Ambrose  and he came and sat beside me.

"What on earth happened downstairs little sister." He said putting his arm around me. I shook my head and looked down from slight embarrassment. "I'm not sure, i just- lost control." I muttered. "Well, i suppose it wasn't fair of mother to talk of you in such a manner." He replied looking down at me. "Though i don't think any of us were expecting you to have that reaction." He laughed and i nudged him in the side while laughing aswell. "Why don't we go for a stroll, before i so generously hand you to Mr Fitzwilliam." He also said in a mocking tone. "For goodness sake, why do you and Francis both mock his name?" I asked. He laughed and stood up, "he's just a little bit of a snob is all, now come on sister." he replied leaving.

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