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It was a long and very awkward carriage ride to our house, but when i got out i came face to face with one of the most beautiful houses i'd ever scene. The long and wide stone steps up to the front door felt like they never ended, and it was bigger than anything i'd scene before. I turned around and the courtyard looked as though it could fit the whole of Kent in it, filled with light green grass and dark green bushes. James came from behind me and stood next to me looking up at the house. "It seems you've left the bottom of your jaw on the floor Diana, you might want to pick that back up before entering the house." He smirked down at me with a sarcastic tone in his voice. I softly laughed back at him while giving him a nudge in the side with my elbow.

I hooked my arm through his and began our journey up the stairs. At the top we were greeted by a butler and a house mistress. "Your grace, you're bedroom has been made and you bags have been taken up. Would you like a separate bedroom made for her grace?" the butler, who looked rather old asked James. "Yes, thank you Herbert." He replied, breaking the bond of our arms to pat Herbert on the shoulder.

I didn't think i needed a separate bedroom considering clearly nothing was going to happen between the two of us any time soon, but in any case, i guess he really can't stand me.

Either that, or i really broke him.

James took me over to the woman who stood behind Herbert. "Diana, this is the house mistress, she will take care of any of your needs or demands during your time here at the house." he told me, not once looking at me.

I was honestly getting frustrated at this point, and wasn't really listening to the things he was saying. I tried subtly getting closer to him, but he quickly moved away. I was on the verge of giving up, but i remembered my mothers words and figured that i needed to give it more time than a couple of hours.

"good morning miss...?" I asked the woman. "you can just call me Eloise, your grace." She answered keeping her head down. I tilted my head to try and get her attention, but in my ear i heard. "don't patronise her Diana." from James. I put my head back up again and looked at him with anger plastered all over my face, my skin itched and my self control was slowly being torn through because i wanted to just slap him there and then, nut instead I stared at him in disappoint and couldn't help but feel like it was just pure hatred between the two of us now. And if he wasn't going to try and just be plain out rude than so was I. 

I faced Eloise again and put a comforting smile on my face, which was real, before putting my index finger on the bottom of her chin and slowly raising it up so our eyes would meet. "smiling suits you Eloise. you can smile when you're with me." i told her her before, leaving James outside and entering the house. i was half way up the stairs when i heard him say again, "I will see you at dinner, darling.". I closed me eyes and clenched my fists to try and contain my annoyance with him. Ignoring him, i continued up the stairs and at the top met a maid who led me through the long halls and rooms, towards my bedroom.

"ere' you are', your grace." She said nervously with a strong cockney accent. "you must be from London." I assumed, taking my shawl collar off and giving it to her. "uhh...yes your grace. east london to be exact." she replied, gathering up the courage to finally look at me.

I wanted to make her and the rest of the maids feel calm, and not petrified as if they were a bird hiding under a small shelter and i was the cat ready to leap out on them and rip their limbs off one by one purely for my own entertainment. that may have been a bit too detailed.

"I love london, i spent... a lot of time there growing up." I shared, walking over to my dressing table to touch up my hair. "ya did?" she asked, coming over to help me. I laughed softly in comforting way at her accent. "yea' and i luv a bit of steak an' kidney pie" I imitated her accent, and we both burst out laughing afterwards. "was that any good? and be honest!" I asked her, letting out a few more chuckles. "It was perfect your grace!" she continued to laugh, and i was pleased with myself. mission: become the human saving the bird - accomplished :)

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