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Diana's POV:

My family and i, were to attend the games today. Mother told me that it basically consisted on ftahers and sons playing against each other, while the women sat on the side smiling and clapping yet also thinking about how much of a better job they could have done.

I joined my brothers in the parlour for breakfast, and sat down beside Ambrose. "Where's mother and Matilda?" I asked, buttering a slice of toast. Francis rested the news paper on his lap and poured himself a cup of tea, "they've gone for a walk, ready for the games." he replied, taking a sip. "speaking of the games." Matthew chorused, jumping out of his seat. "I must get ready to win them." he added, before leaving the room. Ambrose and Francis exchanged a rather glum look, "our first games without father." Ambrose spoke, taking my hand in his.

I wish i'd known Mr Haywood, he seemed like a very interesting person. Especially as the boys would always speak so highly of him.

"and we're going to bloody win, because he always did." Francis chuckled back, and smiles grew on mine and Ambrose's faces. "of course we will, we're Haywoods" i said holding onto Ambrose's hand a bit tighter. I took a bite of my toast and looked at my two brothers. "are you hoping to impress any ladies at todays games?" I asked, the soft smile on my face turning coy. "right that's it, i'm going to get ready." Francis snapped, slamming his paper down on the table and leaving while Ambrose and I laughed our heads off.

After a while Ambrose managed to catch his breath, "honestly though little sister, Fitzwilliam will try and show off infront of you today." he blurted also standing up to leave. "I'm aware of that brother, and i'll let him." I replied, taking another bite out of my toast. Eventually i left the table and walked into my room, bouncing off the balls of my feet.

"you seem happy today Miss Haywood." Claire smiled as she came in to pick my dress. I turned around to see her and matched my expression with a smile on my face with a smile on my face, "well Claire, for the first time in a while, nothing seems to be going wrong, so i suppose there's no real reason to be sad." i replied.

(diana's dress for the games)

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(diana's dress for the games)

Claire was finishing up my hair, and i was deciding which necklace to wear when i heard Francis shout up the stairs "everyone one is ready and waiting but you diana!". I looked up at Claire with an apologetic smile and began to rush out the door and downstairs to join my family. "you can't rush perfection Francis" i said putting my arm around his and giving him a mischievous wink.

As we were walking to the beach, the air was fresh and it wasn't too windy outside. Perfect for the games. I noticed Francis had a slightly concerned expression on his face. "something's bothering you." I assumed, walking in sync with him. He turn his face slightly to see mine, "it's silly really." he said back to me. "Francis." I said in a stern voice, indicating that he should tell me. Silence passed between us before he spoke again, "the Haywoods have never lost a game, and that was all because of father. I can't help but feel like if we don't win this, we'll be letting him down. I'll be letting him down. I understand it has an unecessarily morbid deeper meaning but-" Francis confided. "I think it's rather beautiful actually" I interrupted. "what?" He asked. I smiled up at him, "well the idea that you can turn a game into something with such an infinite undertone." I beamed, and he laughed in reply. "like i said - it was silly." Francis brought the top of my head to his lips and kissed it quickly. I hit him in the side to try and make him come to his senses, "i'm not joking Francis! Have you ever considered poetry, you are the romantic, mysterious type. Are you not?" I pouted my lips but broke them with a laugh. "definitely not Diana, just because i have feelings doesn't mean i'm a poet." He assured me. "Well of course not, but it's the way you express them that makes you a poet, and i must say..." I stopped to face him. "you expressed them excellently." I added before taking his arm again and leading him down onto the shore.

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