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from Dorcas to Marlene

from Dorcas to Marlene

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@dorky.m: marlene you are being petty and stupid, just go an apologise to lily already


@dorky.m: Mar, please cmon darling

@dorky.m: marlene 

@dorky.m: MARLENE

@dorky.m: MARLENE

@marley: WHAT?

@marley: dorcas the only reason im not apologising is because i have no fucking clue what im supposed to have done, all i remember is getting in an argument with Lily and getting mad at her

@marley: im screwed okay? you think i dont want to apologise?

@dorky.m: do you really not remember?

@marley: nothing at all, just a lot of anger at her.

@dorky.m: mar... you did something

@marley: what!?

@dorky.m is typing...

when she updates after 50 years and then leaves you on a cliffhanger HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

lmao this is the last chapter of suspense you'll know what happens in the following chapter and then you dont have to suffer any longer, so stay tuned till tomorrow tofind out what really happened.

i really wanna hear your theories because i heard a few and wow im entertained:

lots of love

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