Chapter 13

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"What do you think they're doing?" I asked Geri slightly pacing around his couch as he skimmed through the channels and took a bite of his pizza. "Well," he started, "you asked me the same question 5 minutes ago and it's still the same answer. I do not know what they are doing."

I let out a sigh and plopped down on his couch, "what if they really did go out clubbing?"

"What's the problem in that?" Asked Geri.

"What if she finds a good looking guy and they talk and he buys her drinks and they dance and then they set up a date for next week and they go on a date and they start going on more dates and then they make it official and they date for 3 years and then he pops the queston and she says yes and they get married and-"

"Fucking hell Bojan," Geri bellowed out cutting off my rambling. "What is wrong with you?" He chuckled. I felt the blood rise to my cheeks, "You really like Janelle, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Oh no, not at all."

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. I know I got it bad for Janelle but Hayley's words keep parading around my head nonstop. It's true, I like Janelle and I'm almost positive she feels something for me as well but would she really go out and find a guy at a club? Would she let them touch her curvy hips? Will she allow a guy to buy her a drink or sweet talk her?

"Dude," Geri said as he shook my shoulder lightly. "Are you listening?"

"To who or what?"

Geri chuckled, "come on"

I watched Geri get up from the couch, "what? Where are we going?"

"Hayley's house so your mind can be at ease"

"We can't go there!"

"And why not? We'll just drive by so you can see Hayley's car and know they're not out clubbing"

I shook my head, "no, that's wrong of us to check up on them like that"

"Then quit it, relax dude. Stop thinking about what they are doing"

"It's Hayley's words that are torrmenting me"

"Well Hayley's kinda right. Janelle is single, she can do what she wants and can go find a guy. Unless you want her to yourself, then ask her out"

"You make it sound so easy," i sighed.

"Cause it is," he chuckled. "Why haven't you asked her out? You guys act like a couple anyways. What are you so scared of? Cause I'm assuming that's why you haven't asked her out"

"What if she doesn't feel the same way I do? Then what? I fuck up the nice relationship that took forever to have"

Geri sat back down on the couch and i focused my attention to my shoes. "Well bud, that's life. In life you have to take risks, it may complicate things or it might make things better than its ever been. But you won't know until you take that risk."

I let Geri's words sink in, "what if it complicates things?" I asked as i turned my gaze to Geri , "then what?"

Geri took a deep breath and set his eyes straight ahead, thinking. "You know," he begun, "this may sound so wack but things happen for a reason. Maybe its not meant to be or it might not be the right time. Thats the beauty of life, you never know what its gonna hit you with. What is life without risks?"

I stared at Geri in wonder, "since when did you become so wise?"

Geri shrugged his shoulders, "I guess it's because..." Geri trailed off and let out a sigh as he ran his hands over his face. "Geri?" Geri looked up at me, he looked so vunerable. "I'm scared too Bojan"

I felt a frown upon my face, what should he be scared of? "Scared of?"

Geri let out a small laugh, "You are so into Janelle you haven't noticed I'm falling for Hayley "

"Whoa, falling in love?" Geri nodded his head shyly. "Geri. Falling in love." I was mindblowned, yeah I knew he had a little thing for her whether he admitted or not i knew he had a thing for the little redhead. But to fall in love...? I definitely not expecting that. "Falling in love?" I questioned again.

"Yes Bojan, falling way too deep. She's all I ever think about now. When I wake up she is the first thing on my mind and throughout the day she remains there until night comes along she is the last thing of think of before falling asleep. When I see her at work my heart and stomach start acting up having a mind of their own. And I can go on but I'm pretty sure you know what I'm going through right?" Asked Geri as he looked me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I know what you're going through. Janelle is always there too and even pops up in my dreams. You know how I get when she's around"

"Why are we here?" Geri chuckled. He patted my knee and stood up, "come on, we are going to confess our feelings"


Janelle's POV

"Hey! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Said the short brunette girl as she hugged me. "Hayley has told me so much about you!"

"I hope its all good things," i chuckled. Hayley rolled her eyes playfully. "Tay, this is Janelle. Janelle, this is my roomate Taylor but you can call her Tay"

"Its about time I got to meet you, really," giggled the brown eyed girl. She ruffled her shoulder length hair, "well don't just stand there! Come in we have a whole night ahead of us! We are going to have so much fun!" I chuckled as Hayley and I walked into their livingroom.

"Did you order pizza Tay?" Asked Hayley as she sat down on the couch and patted the couch so I could sit as well. "Yes ma'am" said Tay as she took her place on the couch as well. "So Janelle," she smiled as I turned my attention on her. "Hayley here says you're a really cool girl"

"Aww," I giggled. "I'm a dork in reality"

"Dorks are not allowed here," said Tay. "JUST KIDDING!" She giggled, "Can you imagine that? I wouldn't be allowed in my own house"

Hayley chuckled, "Tay and I are the biggest dorks you'll meet"

I laughed at her statement. Taylor and Hayley are very down to earth girls. Very humble and funny. We spend the rest of the night talking and laughing. I got to know Tay more and more and I love the girl already. She's very much like Hayley.

"Is she still alive over there?" I whispered to Hayley looking at Tay who was sprended across the couch in a blanket. Hayley chuckled, "she must of fell asleep already"

Hayley and i were laying on the floor, we watched a whole bunch of movies. I looked at my phone next to me to see the time, it was almost 2am. Wow time went by a lot quicker when you're having fun.

"You want to watch anoth-" Hayley was cut off by a soft knock on her door. She looked at me, confusion filled her face features as she slowly made her way to the door. Me being curious, began to follow her to the door. Hayley looked through the peephole. "Who is it?" I whispered. She took a step back, "Geri?" She questioned as she unlocked her door and opened it. And there he was, smiling softly at Hayley as he came in eye contact with her.

"Hi," he breathed. Hayley smiled widely before responded in a light feathery voice, "hey"

"Umm," started Geri as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry to show up at the this time but I just really need to talk to you and Bojan here," he said as he stepped aside to reveal Bojan looking down at tne ground. "Needs to speak to Janelle"

"Bojan?" I said as I appeared from behind Hayley's door where I was hiding. Bojan looked up as soon as he heard my voice. His eyes immediately making my insides go insane. "Hey Nelly," he said in a soft voice.


Merry Christmas my loves! Well, christmas was over an hour ago but whatever lol I hope you like my gift to you :) this chapter here is your present (: I hope this one was better than the last chapter :( Anywho, let me know what you think and I will update soon! :) love you guys, hope you had a wonderful christmas filled with love and joy <3

Stay lovely c:

Blissful Ignorance... A Bojan Krkic StoryWhere stories live. Discover now