32 | night shift

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In all twenty one years of his life, James had attended a variety of parties, but a pool party hadn't been one of those. As he looked around at the ecstatic youth playing volleyball in the swimming pool with the music blasting from the loudspeakers around them and the barista of the swim up bar serving cocktail after cocktail, James felt grateful this was an experience he'd missed out on. A party like this seemed more up Sirius' alley. The rowdiness was too much for him.

Or maybe his annoyance stemmed mostly from the fact that Lanz assigned him to a night shift to supervise the party, which he'd never done before. James knew it wasn't a good idea to say no to Lanz, and since the pool manager told him it was a "one time only occasion" (and that he'd get a day off the next morning), James agreed to it.

That didn't mean he wasn't bored out of his mind, though. He'd been sitting on his lifeguard chair for so long he could feel his bum growing numb, and the humidity in the air was making him sweat. He took his phone out of his pocket to check the time. Ten thirty.

A message notification caught his eye. It was from Sirius.

Padfoot: where are you

James looked around to make sure there was no danger of Lanz popping up out of nowhere-unlikely, the git was probably asleep already, but just in case. When he made sure it was safe to look down at his phone, he clicked on Sirius' message and typed a quick response.

Prongs: night shift. why

Padfoot: night shift?? since when do you get those?

Prongs: since lanz decided to make my life a living hell

Prongs: there's a party going on at the main pool so he wanted me here

Padfoot: bollocks

Prongs: since when do you say bollocks

Padfoot: i got it from ira. she said it a lot

Prongs: did you call her

Padfoot: nope

Prongs: you should

Padfoot: i would but... i suck at doing these things through the phone

Prongs: well you can't exactly fly to london to talk to her in person

Lifeguard ☆ JILYWhere stories live. Discover now