15 | forever young

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Irene Jones was many things. A girl with an enthusiastic approach to every new adventure; the life of every party; the person whose vibrant personality was a mood lifter to some and source of annoyance to others who didn't vibe well with eccentric people like herself.

To Lily, Irene was her best friend, the person she'd walk through the depths of hell for and the one she couldn't imagine her life without. She could be both night and day, both the sun and the moon. There were times when Irene listened patiently to all of Lily's problems and always tried to offer a solution. This was the side of Irene that put others first and herself last, that dreamt of living in a small apartment in New York City one day with her dog, and having a simple job that made her happy.

Then there was the other side. The soul of a five-year-older that still shone brightly within her and came out in every immature move. Her headstrong side followed by actions taken or words spoken impetuously, where Lily felt the need to slip on the mother suit and hold Irene back from getting into senseless fights with people who did not understand her character. The vivaciousness that was either the trait that people loved best about Irene-since it was one of her most identifiable features-or the one they could absolutely not put up with.

Right now, Irene was exhibiting the latter.

She had left the adults' swimming pool where Lily swirled around in the warm water, and had decided to go join the children playing around at the kids' pool. The kids' pool was no deeper than fifty centimeters and it pretty much resembled a playground built on a watery terrain, filled with several water slides and swings. A mini waterpark, in other words.

As Lily got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around her body, she caught sight of Irene splashing Sirius with one of the water guns of the playground. He got up from his lifeguard chair with a dramatic gasp to chase after her.

A bunch of children started screaming and laughing as they splashed him again and again to Irene's command, and Sirius, with his uniform now soaked, was shouting: "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS THAT EASILY, JONES!"

A smirk tugged at the corner of Lily's mouth.

"Look at them children."

James' abrupt voice startled her, as she was just about to sit down on the lounger when he appeared by her side.

"I have a feeling you're not referring to the toddlers," she said in amusement.

"Definitely not."

Lily let out a soft laugh and the two of them simultaneously turned their heads to observe their friends. They were chasing after each other and laughing heartily while a bunch of kids followed them like a herd. Sirius finally caught Irene in his arms and screamed: "I GOT HER GUYS, SHOOT HER!"

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