5 | dinner at lotus

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The weather had never been more adequate for spending time outside Hogwarts ever since James had stepped foot on the resort two months earlier. The temperatures on the evenings were usually unbearably high; the air as dry as that of a desert, and the presence of the sea didn't make much difference.

Yet, as if on cue, the weather tonight seemed to be perfect for spending time outside in the open air, enjoying a bottle of champagne by the beach with the cool breeze blowing your hair away from your face.

If only I was in the fortunate financial position to afford a glass of champagne, James thought to himself.

As soon as the disheartening thought crossed his mind, he shook his head as though to push it away. Tonight he was going to have fun and nothing would ruin it.

As James neared the Lotus restaurant, an involuntary rush of adrenaline coursed its way up his spine. He didn't get to eat seafood often, let alone dine at a restaurant. The manager gave them permission to leave the resort's premises once their working shifts were over, so every now and then, James and his friends chose to splurge by dining out someplace in Orlando, but it wasn't the kind of luxury they could afford every week.

Finally reaching the open-air restaurant, he noticed that nearly all the tables were full. It seemed like people were making the most out of the lovely weather, which had a tendency to change very quickly at Hogwarts. James wouldn't be shocked if it started raining in two days.

"Yo, Potter!"

James turned around, his eyes falling on a pair of azure ones that pierced out of a familiar face, splattered with freckles and framed by a mane of blonde locks.

He smirked, raising his hand for a high-five. "Sup, McKinnon."

She smacked his palm with a little bit of force like she usually did and James wasn't quick enough to withdraw it.

"Ow!" He exclaimed dramatically, rubbing his reddened palm with his other hand. "That really hurts, you know."

Marlene smirked. "I know." She threw an arm around his shoulders, guiding him inside. "So, Remus told me you're having dinner with a girl tonight. What's this all about? Finally found yourself a date, Potter?"

For some reason, James felt heat rising to his cheeks. The image of the pretty redhead flashed on his mind and a sudden surge of excitement to see her passed through him.

"Nah, it's not like—" He paused, chuckling. "Well, I have to admit, she's something else. But we just met so I'm trying to get to know her a bit more"

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