37 | such a romantic affair

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The sunny weather was too beautiful to spend being cooped up inside, so after struggling to find free seating on the third fast food in walking distance from Jones' Coffee, James and Lily decided to get on her dad's car and drive to the supermarket, buy some food, and go for a picnic instead.

"Any particular snacks you enjoy?" asked Lily, turning on the engine and starting to drive in reverse out of the parking lot.

James fastened his seatbelt. "Honestly, I've been craving some Shrimps and Bananas. The American knockoffs don't hold a candle to the real thing."

Lily shot him a disgusted look. "You actually like those things?"

"What do you mean, 'actually like' them? They're England's best invention!"

"They taste like shit, are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding me?" James gasped. "Evans, I didn't take you for someone who lacks taste. I mean, you're dating me."

"Be grateful I'm driving so I can't reach over and whack you across the head with my purse."

He laughed, his eyes taking in the interior of the vehicle. "Nice car you've got, by the way."

"Oh, it's actually my dad's. He just lets me use it for work." They reached a red light, and Lily abruptly hit the brakes. "Sorry. I'm saving up for an internship next term so I'm not looking to buy a car anytime soon."

"I mean, at least you can drive," said James. "I don't even have my license yet. Planned to get it last year but then . . . you know."

His jaw set. Lily turned to him, her doe-like eyes softening. "Yeah."

"I don't really need a license yet, though," he continued, clearly trying to not to sour the mood. "The pub I used to work at is within walking distance from where Sirius and I live, plus there's a bus stop right outside our building. He's looking to buy a motorbike cause he doesn't like cars either and he's obsessed with those blasted things. Our friend from Hogwarts, Kingsley-he's got two of them for some reason, and Sirius is always borrowing one to ride around Orlando. "

"Yeah, I remember the night we borrowed both to ride to the carnival." A smile brightened Lily's face at the blissful memory. Crazy to think it had only happened a couple nights ago, given how much drama went on to unravel the following morning. "Speaking of Sirius, he called yesterday. He and Ira talked things out. She said they're good now."

"They are? Oh, thank goodness. I hate seeing my friends fight."

"Same here. I'll ask her for details later-I just know she's gonna want to know everything about us as well." Typical Irene. Lily smiled and looked at him, amused. "You've got her to thank that I even heard you out, by the way. Ira likes to see the best in people, and she's fond of you. But don't think she would've hesitated to kill you if you didn't have a good explanation for ghosting me like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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