28 | no good in goodbye

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"Did you get everything?"


"Passport? Boarding pass?"




"Room key?"

"In my pocket."

"My shirt that I let you borrow two days ago?"

Irene's eyes grew so wide it looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Oh my god!" she yelped. "I forgot to pick it up from the laundry room!"

Lily frowned, lowering the handle of her luggage. "Why would you even take it to the laundry room when we're going home in a couple hours anyway?"

"Because the rest of my clothes were all dirty and I got ketchup on it, so I kinda had no other options. I'll just go pick it up. Be right back!"

And without another word, she tossed her backpack on the bed and dashed out of the room. Lily scoffed, shaking her head. Oh, Ira, she thought. She took her phone out of her pocket to check the time. 10:30 a.m. Check-out was in half an hour.

The two friends had spent the entire morning packing their suitcases and cleaning out their hotel room to ease the burden for the housekeepers. Though, in all honesty, Lily was the one who packed most of her personal belongings the previous night after they came back from the festival, while Irene stayed out till 3 am with Sirius and promised to wake up early the next day to do her part. It came as no shocker to Lily when that ended up not being the case-she herself woke up at 8 sharp, but couldn't drag her friend out of bed until an hour and a half later (and even that, begrudgingly and only possible after Lily blasted some heavy metal from her phone), so most of Irene's packing was only finished in time because Lily did seventy percent of it.

She clicked on the 'Messages' app. Her chat with James was open and the last message she'd sent him still read Delivered underneath.

Lily: Coming to say goodbye? ;-)

He had to be busy. Lily thrusted her phone back in her pocket, her eyes falling on the oversized white bear that lay on the bed. She smiled. It had taken James three games of ring toss and maximum concentration to win her the stuffed animal, and even though Lily told him to give up after his first two unsuccessful attempts, he was determined.

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